Improving our transportation infrastructure reduces car trips, helps us reach our carbon emission reduction goals, is healthier for our residents, and saves lives. Too often in the past we have been slow to make these common sense improvements to our streets.

Some consider bicycling an 'alternative' mode of transportation, but it should not be considered alternative. It should be an easy choice for getting around in our City, and we need to do more to make that a reality.

Building and preserving housing, along with keeping people housed, are critical to making our city more affordable for all.

Well, I was lucky to have people throughout my life who invested in me.

Well, my grandmother, she raised me in public housing.

I don't want San Francisco to be just a place where people just move for opportunities.

We have to be bold and serve all San Franciscans who are struggling to afford housing.

In San Francisco, our businesses, healthcare services, workforce, and housing will always be Open to All.

Far too many LGBTQ individuals are the victims of violence and hatred, and we must all fight together to ensure that no one is erased or marginalized because of how they identify or who they love.

San Francisco is a place that stands up for our LGBTQ communities.

San Francisco is a beacon of hope for LGBTQ people around the world.

San Francisco is a City for everyone and our government needs to work for all of our residents.

In San Francisco, we strive to be a beacon of progressivism for the rest of the country and the world, whether it is leading the way on gay marriage, immigrants rights, or combating climate change.

Students should feel excited and prepared for the new school year.

Youth should have access to paid internships or jobs year-round, so they can keep developing important skills and earning income.

Money should never be a barrier to whether or not a young person is given the opportunity to succeed.

When I was growing up in San Francisco, one of the experiences that changed my life was my first paid internship - a summer job at The Family School.

We need a coordinated, citywide approach to make sure that everyone in San Francisco is sheltered and has access to the care they need.

We want to make sure that anyone facing eviction has access to high-quality legal representation.

If we are ever going to fix our housing affordability crisis, we have to make significant changes to how we plan and construct, and we have to be open to solutions that make it easier and faster to build much-needed housing.

Fighting for tenants' rights has never been about political posturing for me. It's very personal. It's why I fight for everyone who's struggling to stay in San Francisco.

We are fighting for an affordable, diverse community where all of us can thrive.

The voters have been very clear that we need to address the homelessness and housing crisis that is affecting our City, and I remain focused on solving these issues.

I've seen my friends, my community forced from the city I call home.