I just want people to know that whatever decisions are made on any issue, I'll make them according to what I believe is in the public interest and my own conscience.

I always think that friends and family are off-bounds. I went into politics; they didn't.

I keep my private life to myself, and that's going to continue.

Fine Gael is the party of opportunity, and no matter what background you come from, we give people a chance, and it gave me a chance.

We can't have a government that will collapse in three months.

Enda Kenny has the full support of the Fine Gael parliamentary party.

It's fair to say that the policy and character of my government would be, or the government which I lead, would be very different to that of President Trump.

What are these better deals the U.K. really wants from Europe and other countries? Some more clarity would be helpful.

We will, of course, work with whoever Americans decide to elect as president.

It's up to American citizens to decide who they elect as president.

I miss being able to have a drink in my local pub, which I can't do anymore, or being able to go to the shops without every second person staring at me and looking at my basket to see what I'm buying.

One of the big problems in Dail Eireann is the lack of women.

What I would rather see, what I think would be the best outcome, is a very close relationship between the United Kingdom and the E.U.

We would only need a bespoke solution for Northern Ireland if Britain leaves the Single Market.

It's not something that defines me. I'm not a half-Indian politician or a doctor politician or a gay politician for that matter... it is part of my character, I suppose.

Nobody that I know would ever say that I'm sexist.

Marriage in our Constitution is very clear that it's a man marrying a woman, largely with a view to having a natural family, and if they are unable to do that, obviously then they can adopt.

The gutter is Bertie Ahern's natural habitat.

My opinion has always been that when it comes to deciding where specialist centres should be located, whether they are regional or national specialities, it should be done on clinical grounds.

I'll demand of myself and my own government what, in the past, I insisted of others.

I would love to believe that my political judgment is impeccable, but it's not.

I have a good social life.

It's the middle class; it's middle Ireland, and it's a group of people who often feel that they contribute a lot to the economy and a lot to society, but maybe they don't get as much back for it as they should.

My mum wanted me to be a doctor like my dad, and at 7, I really wanted to be a politician, and I managed in my mind to combine the two.