The fact is we can't prevent people from getting the COVID-19 virus.

Work-based learning is a game changer. It's like test driving a career, and I have seen it in action with our registered apprenticeship programs for high school students.

Our military, police, and first responders risk their lives to protect ours, and so today - and every day - we should thank those who serve and honor those we've lost.

The proud road travelled by Chongryon bears the imprints of the wise guidance and painstaking efforts of the great leaders, who strengthened and developed Chongryon into a Juche-based overseas compatriots' body that represents the rights and interests of all the Koreans resident in Japan.

Building a sports power is a patriotic undertaking aimed at translating into reality the plan and wish of the great leaders, who devoted their efforts to building ours into a country that prospers and grows stronger on the strength of sports.

The entire Party, the whole army, and all the people should conduct a vigorous forest restoration campaign to make the mountains of the country thick with forests.

We should ensure that the people-first principle runs through the whole of Party work as appropriate for its nature as a motherly party to make the climate of respecting, loving and depending on them pervade it and Party work focus on improving their living standards.

We should steadily intensify the work of establishing the Party's monolithic leadership system to make the whole Party share ideology with the Party Central Committee, breathe the same breath as it, and keep pace with it.

The political and military position of socialism should be further cemented so that it can be an impregnable fortress.

Agricultural workers, together with the working class, constitute the main force in building a powerful socialist country, and the agricultural front is now a major thrust area in building the country into a socialist economic giant.

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il provided energetic guidance to defend and honour Comrade Kim Il Sung's idea of and exploits in socialist rural construction and make UAWK organizations creditably perform their duties as organizations for ideological education.

The UAWK is a mass-based political organization of our socialist agricultural workers which was founded and has developed under the wise guidance of the great leaders, and a reliable transmission belt and peripheral organization of the Party.

The GFTUK is a powerful political instrument for training its members, including the working class, into Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists with unfailing loyalty to the Party and the leader and mobilizing them to implement the revolutionary cause of Juche.

The great leaders called the working class first whenever difficult and gigantic tasks arose for the revolution, and ushered in fresh heydays of the revolution by relying on them.

In the gigantic and worthwhile struggle for achieving the country's prosperity and people's happiness, our young people have been educated in a revolutionary way and trained spiritually and physically, and have developed into a large, matchless contingent forming a thousand-fold, tens-of-thousand-fold fortress around the Party.

The cause of the WPK is a sacred historic cause for fully realizing the independence of the masses of the people, the cause of the Juche revolution.

The history of the Workers' Party of Korea is a proud course it has traveled shouldering the destiny of the people and leading the Korean revolution to victory under the guidance of the great leaders.

The history of our Party is just the path travelled by our great people: its might is their might, its greatness is their greatness, and its victory is the victory achieved by them.

For our country and people, October 10 is a meaningful revolutionary holiday when they celebrate the birth anniversary of the genuine vanguard of the revolution, its militant General Staff, which has taken responsibility for their destiny and leads them.

The agricultural working people should be imbued with a thoroughgoing faith in socialism and steadfast anti-imperialist and class consciousness so that they can regard our style of socialism as their life and soul, love it ardently, and fight staunchly against the imperialists' moves for ideological and cultural infiltration.

Our Party's policies of respecting the people and loving them and the people's hearty loyalty of trusting and following the Party as they would do their mothers have become integrated, and thus the blood-sealed ties between them have reached a new, higher stage.

The idea of the Songun revolution is an idea of giving importance and precedence to military affairs in implementing the masses' cause of independence, the socialist cause, and pushing ahead with the overall revolution and construction with the revolutionary army as the core force.

While boosting the production of consumer goods, we should channel great efforts into improving the welfare service for the people.

All sectors of the national economy should make scrupulous arrangements for economic planning and guidance to boost production by tapping every possible reserve and potentiality, and work out in a scientific way the immediate plans and long-term strategies for stage-by-stage development and push ahead with them in a persistent manner.