Being famous is part of my job.

Carrie Lam is not the leader elected by people of Hong Kong.

My generation, the so-called post-'90s generation that came of age after the territory was returned to China, would have the most to lose if Hong Kong were to become like just another mainland Chinese city, where information is not freely shared and the rule of law is ignored.

Hong Kong people may be ethnically Chinese, but lots of people do not consider ourselves, including me, as Chinese citizens.

The anti-extradition movement is larger and much more organised than the Umbrella Movement in 2014.

Hong Kong was promised democracy under the framework known as 'one country, two systems,' and China is ignoring this promise. The international community should be more attuned to this. It matters.

I'm a Christian and my motivation for joining activism is that I think we should be salt and light.

Many issues are closely related to politics and I think Hong Kongers should pay more attention to politics.

We shall continue our fight for democracy and freedom because we do not accept that Hong Kong will be transformed into a police state.

My generation could be the first in Hong Kong to be worse off than our parents.

The fight for democracy is a long-term battle.

For generations of Hong Kongers, the only means of upward mobility and the only way to meaningfully contribute to society have been to obtain a respectable university degree (preferably in business administration) and a professional accreditation (in finance, accounting, law or medicine).

From horrific incidents of police brutality and complicity in indiscriminate attacks by triads on citizens to arbitrary mass arrests and the banning of demonstrations, the government has employed nearly every weapon in its war chest to intimidate Hong Kongers into silence and to suppress their popular struggle for democracy and freedom.

In 2014, we were opposing President Xi Jinping. Five years later, we are opposing Emperor Xi Jinping.

I hope those who previously only thought of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee regarding Hong Kong would now realise that the city is also a place fighting for democracy.

Hong Kong is different to mainland China. We protect our freedoms. We ask for free elections to elect the leader of our city.

Hong Kongers deserve universal suffrage.

I'm not a hero. The Hongkongers who confronted tear gas in the streets are the heroes.

We will continue our protest with our course on free elections.

We will continue civil disobedience to fight for democracy and for human rights in Hong Kong.

I hope Hong Kong isn't just named Hong Kong but it can still be the Hong Kong we desire.

There's no doubt that the Chinese government is waging a full-fledged crackdown on Demosisto.

If the Internet or air traffic of the financial center of the world shuts down, of course the world needs to have a say on it.

Truth be told, relying on 'one country, two systems' to preserve our values is a lost cause.