New highways, ports, and runways appear economically foolish if we don't understand the economic growth that flows from such investments.

The single-payer Medicare for All proposal is not only bad policy, but it's bad politics. It's bad politics for a very simple reason: More than half the country has private insurance and most of them like it.

In my judgment, the president should reject Keystone and step up natural gas exports.

I think I have a real feel for the industries that are being successful and where opportunities are, and the big issue that I really care about is U.S. competitiveness.

Our national values demand that we assist the families of our men and women in uniform, especially at the time of their greatest need.

Many of the patients in military and veterans hospitals require long stays, which can place a large financial hardship on families who don't live near the hospital, which is very common.

We have a sacred obligation to support our men and women in uniform.

As the founder and former chief executive of two publicly traded companies, I have had a great deal of exposure to how debt markets work.

Our veterans and service members are known for their strength, but when they're recovering from an operation or receiving emergency care, that strength can depend on seeing a spouse, talking with the kids or just knowing that loved ones are by their side. It isn't difficult to imagine what a difference keeping families together can make.

The big legislative updates that we need to compete in the 21st century and to raise living standards have been blocked by a reluctance to seek common ground.

I define socialism as the government controlling the means of production. I don't think the answer to some of the big vesting problems we have in this country are to solve them entirely with a government-only solution.

While some politicians argue over whether to believe scientists' almost overwhelming consensus on climate change, the business sector is a believer and is wisely planning ahead.

The struggle these veterans face receiving adequate care for PTSD and depression is a tragedy that needs to be addressed, which is why I cosponsored the Clay Hunt SAV Act.

Many have criticized a federal carbon tax, saying that it would increase energy costs. Some continue to oppose it even when that revenue would be used to reduce other taxes in what's known as a tax swap.

The whole action around a carbon pricing mechanism, or carbon tax, is what you do with the money. Both France and Washington state proposed solving climate on the backs of workers. And that's a bad strategy.

Despite all the dysfunction in Washington, I believe that when it comes to helping veterans and keeping our fundamental promises as a country, we can come together and do the right thing.

Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, it is clear that we've got big problems that we need to address, starting with making our economy more competitive so that we can create more good-paying jobs for the middle class.

The process to generate energy using the Canadian tar sands is particularly dirty, producing one of the most noxious fossil fuels on the planet and leaving a devastated landscape in its wake.

The United States faces structural employment problems because of the long-term effects of globalization and technology. This was only exacerbated by the Great Recession.

I support giving President Obama the ability to negotiate and complete new trade agreements with some of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

Addressing climate change and positioning the United States as the leader in advanced energy should be a top priority for our country and our economy, and I applaud the Obama administration for the steps it is taking.

I am of the view that the Affordable Care Act will be a transformative piece of legislation that can lower the cost of health care in the United States - perhaps our greatest fiscal obstacle - and help all Americans lead healthy and productive lives, free from worry that a single illness could mean ruin for an entire family.

Getting trade policy right is huge for our economy and huge for Maryland. This is about creating Maryland jobs by selling Maryland products to Asia, moving right from Western Maryland farms out through the Port of Baltimore.

While many employers do the right thing and provide flexible schedules for disabled veterans, I felt that it was important to provide all disabled veterans with a solution that would help them have access to medical leave. Here's how our bill works: we accelerate the eligibility process for disabled veterans.