I'm that dude from the ad about background checks where I put a rifle together blindfolded.

If you can get to know a person, and you can really understand them, it can usually help you better understand yourself and why you believe what you believe.

If I had the opportunity to give President Trump any advice, and I had to boil it down to one thing, I suppose it would be that nobody ever got better at any job by blaming everybody else whenever anything goes wrong.

The military is a group of people that come together from different perspectives and backgrounds and places and get a job done because they have a mission.

If you're out there saying something that you don't personally believe, then it doesn't really matter if a voter agrees with what you're saying. If they don't believe that you believe it, then they're not going to listen to you anyway.

Politicians never say never to anything.

I wasn't out there pretending I was a conservative Democrat. I'm somebody who has talked a lot about and has done the act of running as who you are.

We have to be willing to engage ISIS militarily, economically, and even on the Internet without delay. For instance, I think we waited too long to engage al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistan. And we should not make a similar mistake with ISIS elements throughout the world.

We need Congress to do more than just engage in partisan games.

For far too long, Congress has been focused on the CEOs, the millionaires, the billionaires.

I obviously did not volunteer to go to Afghanistan solely to protect the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.

This country is a place that you've got to stay invested in.

I am a person who cares deeply about what is happening in the country, and for me, in most ways since getting out of the service, at least, politics has been the way in which I see myself best serving and trying to make things better.

Let America Vote will make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws.

The Democrats need to be confident about making their argument... and making sure that everybody knows we care about them.

Since winning the election, Donald Trump has jump-started voter suppression efforts at the federal and state levels.

I didn't get into politics to play a character on TV.

I got 220,000 votes from people who also voted for Donald Trump. I did not do that by pretending to be a conservative Democrat.

I believe that if you make it harder to vote, then we should make it harder for you to get reelected.

I think that it's a good thing that you want to be part of making the world a better place, including between nine and five.

A lot of millennials really want a company that signs their paycheck, or whoever it is that signs their paycheck, to be an entity that reflects to them in a way that is consistent with their personal idea of who they are.

What we believe is that health care should be a right in this country; I happen to believe that means that we should be for single-payer.

Senator Blunt genuinely sees everything through the lens of partisan politics.

In order to change Washington, we're going to have to change the people that we send there.