We do not want a Bolivarian America.

Everywhere I go, people embrace me and treat me like a national hero. The people in the streets are asking for the return of the military. They ask, 'When are you coming back?'

We will never resolve serious national problems with this irresponsible democracy.

Brazil is a paradise.

What we need is a government with authority but without authoritarianism.

If we are competing in elections, it's because we believe in the popular vote and will be slaves to our constitution.

You do not negotiate with terrorists.

I will not accept an election result that is not my own victory.

If I were racist, I wouldn't be so crazy as to declare it on television.

I took over a Brazil in the midst of a profound ethical, moral, and economic crisis. We are committed to changing our history... We want to govern by example.

We distrust the electronic vote here.

If Congress grants permission, I would put armed forces in the streets.

We can't continue with this social democracy here in Brazil.

A country the size of Brazil can't be held back by Mercosur to do trade with the rest of the world.

Israel is a sovereign state. If you decide on your capital city, we will act in accordance.

My heart is green, yellow, blue, and white.

We are going to change Brazil!

This history of a secular state doesn't exist, no. The state is Christian, and those who are against it can leave.

We are going to change the destiny of Brazil.

We will invest heavily in safety and security... preserve the environment... make progress on biodiversity and economic progress.

We are going to unite the people, rescue the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat gender ideology, conserving our values.

It's these leftwing people, who always put themselves above the rest, who are fascists.

All of us have a mission here on Earth.

China is taking over Brazil, and that is worrying. They are investing in mining, agriculture, energy, ports, and airports.