As a real estate investor, you're ultimately accountable to you and your checkbook. Of course, you will need to stay on top of your local coding regulations and ordinances. But once you get the hang of it, you really shouldn't have any problems with ordinances.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy rode a superior televised debate performance to victory over Richard Nixon.

A writers' ring is where a group of four or five authors agree to promote each other's work on their own websites and via their social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

Microsoft, Disney, Ford, Facebook, and a hundreds and thousands of other companies that affect us daily all began life as baby companies, aka start-ups.

A 2014 study commissioned by Facebook and done by Deloitte suggests that Facebook alone contributes almost $150 billion directly to the global economy, and when you add the peripherals, it nears $227 billion.

Social media has changed our lives forever. Some continue to reject social media, refusing to become one of the sheep, but you just can't avoid it.

Trump wants to build a wall at the border of Mexico, while Clinton wants to tear down all walls.

No connection to the average voter - Clinton has an air of superiority. Despite her wide smile and pleasant appearance, she is envisioned as someone who is trying to hide something all the time.

Derogatory against women - it seems that Trump is not too keen about having women around him, maybe except for his wife and daughter.

Trump is more conservative on individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues and defense. On the other hand, Clinton is quite liberal and wishes to open the borders for more trades and more immigrants.

Sure, if you're a well to do family, you always have the option of sending your children to private schools where teachers spend less time disciplining kids and more time teaching them. However, this option is beyond the reach of most households. And this is what makes school vouchers such a promising solution for lower and middle income families.

In most countries, a lopsided election represents a mandate that the winning party could then use to implement their agenda, but the U.S. political system seems to have been made to prevent such an occurrence.

Investing in gold is one of the wisest decisions that you can make as an investor.

Historically, there hasn't been a significant correlation between gold prices and U.S. elections. Furthermore, history has shown that gold prices tend to fall just before U.S. elections and rise immediately after, and this goes on until the next election.

As a small business owner myself, I talk to so many other business owners who delay seasonal hiring by waiting until the last minute to make their temporary hires.

If the 2016 election is any indication, every four years, millions more Americans will continue backing away from their own parties to choose a third party instead.

If you're an independent voter, I'm willing to bet that you were not too happy at the prospect of hitting the polls on November 8, 2016. But let me guess - you did it anyway because after all, it's your civic duty, right?

Cuban Americans have little in common with immigrants from Mexico and Central America, and often their priorities don't align. If it seems like Cuban Americans don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else, that's probably because they don't.

One way to quantify the immigrant contribution to the overall economy is to measure their share of the U.S. economic output. One such examination for the years 2009-2011 found that immigrants contributed 14.7 percent of the total economic output.

The study titled 'Impact of Immigration on Wages, by Education Level, 1994-2007' found that increased immigration had an effect of lowering wages for earlier immigrants by an average of 4.6 percent. Running counter to popular perception is the finding that for native-born Americans, wages actually increased by 0.6 percent.

There are signs jobs will be plentiful in the future, if we train and prepare for it. That means investing in technology, innovation, and, as much as Republicans will hate to hear this, renewable energy.

The very phrase 'Make America great again' implies some kind of reset to a time long since passed. A mission to restore America to a previous default setting where American economic superiority was without peer, factories and manufacturing plants were humming, and jobs were plentiful for anyone who wanted one.

Kennedy was like a rock star. Carter was the earnest outsider at the height of Washington cynicism. Clinton was a bad boy who proposed his 'third way' of Democratic politics, and Obama brought hope and change to a country that so desperately needed it.

The truth is that for a Democrat to triumph in a presidential election, it needs to come on the heels of 'the dark times' of an unpopular Republican administration. Carter followed the Nixon era, Clinton succeeded after 12 years of Reagan/Bush, and Obama was a direct result of eight years of Bush/Cheney.