Why the Tories are happy to subsidise home ownership for middle class graduates and affluent social tenants, but not for widows on low incomes, is simply beyond me.

The right to strike is one of the most important safeguards working people have in this country. It's a weapon of last resort that has served throughout history as a bargaining tool which allows unions to push for recognition of ordinary workers' rights to be paid fairly and treated with dignity.

White collar crime must be taken as seriously as any other crime.

The notion of women being written out of history is as old as the Bible, but it always seems more galling when it is the history of progressive movements - such as the abolitionist campaign in Britain or the fight for African-American civil rights - in which the role of women has been diminished.

By creating a perception that the U.K. places a higher premium on striking commercial deals than it does on promoting and protecting human rights, our reputation in the world suffers.

The social safety net was created by a united society in the aftermath of the Second World War. It came out of a British sense of fairness.

We have all these strong men in politics - whether it's Brazil, or the Philippines, or Trump, or Putin. They're all big men: it's let's look up to them, don't be afraid, they're looking after things. It's so fundamentally anti-democratic.

The U.K.'s reputation as a business destination will suffer if its authorities cannot be relied on to enforce the law.

A scam is a scam. A fraud is a fraud. Different rules don't apply in the City than they do for you and me.

We oppose any pipeline whose sole purpose is to export bitumen from Canada to make profits in other countries.

I know that when I was on my hunger strike, I reacted very negatively to people telling me what I should and shouldn't do.

Individual actions are important because in any democracy, citizens need to feel agency. If you feel powerless, totally powerless, it's psychologically dangerous.

God, we don't have nearly enough skilled carpenters, electricians, plumbers for the work that needs to be done in taking every single building in Canada and making it carbon-zero, a net-neutral building, by improving insulation, modernizing furnaces, improving the geothermal possibilities, heat pumps.

People who are good at maintaining a deep oil well will also be very helpful in converting it to a geothermal green energy source. People who have been laying pipe, it's the same skill as putting up a wind turbine.

I ran for parliament in 1980 as an independent against Allan J. MacEachen.

I actually find that Canadians are incredibly interested in democracy, and alarmed when they realize that the Prime Minister's Office is controlling virtually everything that goes on within the federal government.

The only party that has better bragging rights than the Greens is the Bloc Quebecois.

I would love to focus on writing books that were not just about issues.

I would rather not to have to fly across the country at all, but obviously, as a federal party leader, I do.

I am always interested in looking for the strongest possible leadership.

Politics is awful.

I don't love being Leader of the Green Party. It is not really something I'd recommend to a good friend. It's not fun.

I love being a parliamentarian. I love it but I don't like politics. And I hate elections.

I think the words 'vote strategically' translates in the human brain to: 'Oh I can't vote for what I want.' And that's discouraging.