In the world of globalization, the fossil fuel masters of the universe who are digging up our boreal forest and our muskeg and scraping out the bitumen would rather have Canadians take all the risks - and then the oceans take the risks to ship it to refineries that they've already built in other countries rather than create jobs for Canadians here.

If we're serious about our kids having a livable world, building fossil fuel infrastructure in 2018 is a sign of deep negligence, which is the kindest thing I can say about it.

I don't think that, you know, adherence to ignorance is really something that encourages voters to support you.

I stick to stuff I'm pretty sure of and I know this: when the price of a barrel of oil is under $80 a barrel and you build a pipeline, you are driving up greenhouse gases.

We have an existential crisis, which is the climate crisis. Canada is one of the laggards in the industrialized world. Our record is terrible.

I'm a firm believer that if we could restore real parliamentary democracy, the best way to do that would be to get rid of political parties.

We import a lot of oil, particularly to eastern Canada, from Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, a lot from the U.S. So if we're looking at how do we phase out fossil fuels in the period in which we're phasing them out, let's only use Canadian.

The only thing we're interested in as Greens is making sure that we are protecting Canada from an imminent threat and that imminent threat is the climate crisis.

Democracy is too important to be left to politicians.

I prefer the Greens to remain an opposition party that's able to hold the government to account.

It's not a big deal for me to be leader of the Green Party. It is a big deal for me to represent the voters of Saanich-Gulf Islands.

The greatest level of hostility and venom, really, is between parties closest to each other on the political spectrum.

Once you got a solar panel on a roof, energy is free. Once we convert our entire electricity grid to green and renewable energy, cost of living goes down.

We need faith leaders like Eman Beshtawii.

We should not be waiting until trains derail, bridges collapse and people die to adequately fund our transportation infrastructure.

We just have to do better as a country on incorporating the best technology to allow us to get where we want to get quickly and safely.

Today, I heard directly from Connecticut workers about the importance of strong, predictable federal research funding and how the federal government can be a better partner in spurring innovation and helping life-saving medication reach families who need it most.

I am proud to be named a Defender of Children by First Focus, and I will continue to call on Congress to enact comprehensive policies that improve the well-being of our children.

Unfortunately, this will have a ripple effect in the economy. People carrying heavy student-loan debt won't buy houses, start families, or start businesses. This will hurt the future economy.

When I was elected to Congress, this was the No. 1 issue businesses brought up. They said that if we want this country to succeed, we need immigration reform.

I was a co-sponsor of Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

My job is to be a problem-solver.

It should scare every voter in the 5th District that a powerful D.C. lobbyist is trying to install a personal congressman in our part of Connecticut.

We may not have the cheapest labor costs, but where we can compete is innovation. Historically, that's been Connecticut's strength, and it can be again.