I'm honored to sit on the House Intelligence Committee and am proud to chair the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

We must keep the promises and commitments we've made to our military veterans by ensuring needed services and care are always available and delivered in a timely fashion.

As a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and the Co-Chair of the Invasive Species Caucus, I'll continue to be an independent voice for our district.

As the first member of my immediate family to graduate from college, making higher education more affordable and accessible is a top priority of mine.

Children especially deserve our support after they are rescued from those who have victimized them.

Whether you're a high school student, attend traditional college, or take night classes while working full-time, it is imperative that you are given the tools necessary to become competitive in the workforce.

No clean energy development is complete without extensive environmental protections, and I've been proud to work in a bipartisan fashion with my colleagues in Congress to protect our most precious natural resources.

In Congress, I've advocated for an all-of-the-above energy policy that identifies and promotes alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and hydropower.

Our district is home to the Adirondacks, and we know firsthand that clean energy development and environmental protection are critical to our economy.

The challenges military families face from frequent relocations and deployments are themselves patches of service, and that's why supporting our military families is one of my top priorities in Congress.

Military spouses serve, too, and it's critical we work together to ensure our country's military spouses have the jobs they need and deserve.

As the proud home of Fort Drum and the Navy Nuclear Site at Kesselring, our district is home to countless military spouses who make enormous sacrifices on behalf of our nation.

For too long, the producers of non-dairy beverages, such as almond and soy products, have unfairly benefited from the ability to label their products as milk.

The H-2A guest visa program has been prone to excessive delays and is too rigid to fit the changing needs of farmers and their employees.

Increased access to broadband expands our ability to do commerce and will help bring our farmers' operations into the 21st century.

I've been really humbled by other women who've reached out to me across the country. Not just women who are running for Congress and federal office, but elementary school students running for student council or high school students who are their class presidents.

People told me several times during my first campaign to hide my youth and the fact that I was a nontraditional candidate - a 29-year-old woman. Instead of taking that bad advice, I really leaned in to who I was and wrapped my arms around the fact that I was young and female and that we needed representation for multiple generations in Congress.

A traditional college education works for many students, but for others, this path isn't the best choice.

I'm an avid Instagram user, and I do it myself.

In a 21st-century economy, it is critical that we equip our nation's children with the tools they need to compete in a global marketplace.

I first decided to run for Congress when I was 29 - and became a Representative at the age of 30.

Luck favors the brave.

Things won't change unless we have new types of candidates.

One of my key issues is economic empowerment.