Vladimir Putin is only going to respond to action, strength, and resolve. He's not going to respond to words.

In an era of unprecedented medical innovation, we have to do more to ensure that patients facing terminal illnesses have access to potentially life-saving treatments.

We do not have a secure border on our southern flank.

I realize the voters elected President Obama in 2012, but they also, in 2014, elected enough Republican senators to gain a majority in the Senate, so we control the confirmation process. And these are two supposedly coequal branches of government involved in this filling of a Supreme Court vacancy.

I have a great deal of respect for Wisconsin workers.

I'm not a political pundit.

You turn people around, one person at a time.

Successful ideas, they snowball.

As long as ISIS is not overtly losing, they'll continue to be perceived as winners.

I am the epitome of a citizen legislator.

Career politicians manufacture hogwash.

There is a real problem in terms of the refugee flow, the ability of ISIS to infiltrate those refugee flows, our inability to track them.

I think it's unrealistic for public-sector employees to believe that they are immune from modifications to their pay and benefit packages.

I think it's extremely important that the citizens of Wisconsin know the positions I'm taking.

There are a lot of young kids serving in Washington, D.C.: kids that are smart, hard-working, but they've never farmed. They've never run a business. They've never been in the private sector. They went from high school into college and right into Washington, D.C.

In the general economy, you get government involved in making market decisions - first of all, they're going to get it wrong. For a minimum wage, you will actually reduce the number of jobs available.

Some stimulus is not a bad thing.

The only area that I would agree with minimum wage is in immigration reform, the guest worker program.

It's more complex than just slapping up a wall. We have got to take a look at all the complexities in terms of eliminating the incentives for illegal immigration.

Iran is Iran. It has a regime that is destabilized in the region, that is spreading terror.

The whole climate change debate gives - and there are all kinds of quotes from adherents of and promoters of climate change - the reason they're doing it is it's such a great opportunity to control, you know, pretty much, government, and control your lives.

We have demagogues on all sides of the political spectrum. It's not helpful. It's destructive. It's harmful. So, I don't like demagoguery whether it comes from the left, it comes from the right.

I think justice Scalia is really the gold standard of what a justice should be. Somebody, regardless of how he feels on an issue, is going to look at the text of the Constitution, look at the text of the law, and make his judgment.

Debt ceiling is something that, you know, any time the president asks for the authority to increase the debt ceiling, the debt burden on our children and grandchildren, I think that requires a pretty serious discussion, robust debate.