I am glad that our country is starting to have a serious conversation about how to repair our broken immigration system - it is long overdue.

Any nominee is going to have to earn my support.

We have a responsibility to be responsible stewards of tax dollars.

We just can't stay in a safe Republican seat and sit back and watch while this country goes down the wrong path.

We have antiquated policies that were put in place in the 1970s that prohibit us from exporting our crude oil, yet we have allies around the globe asking the United States to provide them with a stable supply of energy.

Anytime you present a message that is seen as hate, you're going to have a negative impact.

I guess the news is this: If you're a Republican and you smile, liberals don't like it. Maybe that's because Democrats are afraid that I've been able to show an optimistic vision for this country.

I used to play against a high school football team that always used to run the single wing. And eventually, other teams figured out that they ran the single wing. And so they prepared for it. The Democrats are stuck running the single wing.

There is no doubt that pollution contributes to the climate changing around us, but what I refuse to do is support a climate tax bill like Waxman/Markey put in place that would have cost farmers and ranchers in the state, that would cost small business the opportunity to grow, that would increase that bills that families pay, $1,700 a year.

Hemp has the potential to be a major boon to Colorado agriculture, giving farmers another viable and profitable option for their fields.

This isn't a Republican issue. This isn't a Democrat issue. This is something that both parties and people around the country have agreed to. They don't want Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States.

I'm not going to speculate about legislation that I haven't seen before.

As a result of the strategic patience policy, we now have North Korea testing four times an atomic weapon; they've violated numerous United Nations sanctions, U.S. sanctions by launching ballistic missile tests.

The bottom line is a record of ideas. The bottom line is a plan for how to get this country back on track. It's not about attendance - it's about goals and opportunity to move this nation forward.

We got to protect Medicaid.

I think the climate is changing, but I don't believe humans are causing that change to the extent that's been in the news.

Industrial hemp is a safe substance with many practical commercial applications.

I think people need to be treated with respect, and that's what we've demanded from everyone.

I don't think Donald Trump is going to be our nominee.

Now, President Obama has to make a decision. He can either propose a nominee who can win over the majority in the Senate or defer his choice to the voters, who in November will elect a new President and a new Senate, which will be responsible for confirming a nominee who will provide balance to the Supreme Court.

If you look at the Constitution, the two clauses of the Constitution make it very clear the president shall nominate, and the Senate shall provide advice and consent. It's been since 1888 that a Senate of a different party than the president in the White House confirmed a Supreme Court nominee.

My faith tradition is love your enemies. It's not complicated for me, if I aspire to be who I say I am. I am a Christian American. Literally written in the ideals of my faith is to love those who hate you. I don't see why that's so shocking.

I think patriotism, by its very definition, is love of country. But we seem to have become a country where the highest thing we're reaching for is tolerance.

We need to create an economy that works for everyone, not crony capitalism and unchecked corporate consolidation.