When leaders choose to burn bridges instead of build them, they sacrifice their ability to do their jobs.

When my brothers and I were young, my mom, a Democrat, and my dad, a Republican, used to lead freewheeling discussions at our dinner table. The only rule was paying attention when others were talking, and no interrupting.

If our elected representatives want to further increase the gas tax, they should have to take a vote each time they do.

Our obligation to the people we serve is too important to place politics and partisanship before progress and results.

When I left Harvard Pilgrim, it had been ranked first in the nation by U.S. News and World Report for customer satisfaction for six years in a row.

Success is measured by what we accomplish together.

Balance is a good thing - checks and balances are a good thing.

We must have courage to set partisanship aside and embrace the best ideas and solutions no matter which side of the aisle they come from.

I would argue that the charter schools are really good at building programming and curriculum around the issues and the interests of the kids that they serve.

Nobody wants to see someone's life ruined over a small-time lapse in judgment.

Our goal is to reaffirm that government by the people, speaking through their elected representatives, is the best way to keep us free and safe, protect our liberty, and make sure the promise of America exists for the next generation.

Nikki Haley is a proven leader. And that is what she should be judged on.

We must pass immigration reform.

We should not be strangling ourselves economically by not utilizing the resources we have been given or by putting them off-limits.

We need to work together to support common-sense solutions to establish and maintain regulatory certainty and predictability for the mining industry and reduce excessive, duplicative, and expensive permitting delays.

Salmon recovery in the Northwest is a complex issue and requires a comprehensive regionwide effort. Dam removal is not the answer. It would have a devastating impact on our region's energy and transportation infrastructure and may do little to even help salmon listed as threatened or endangered.

The Snake and Columbia river system is vital to the Pacific Northwest.

House Republican women are trailblazers in their own right, and we are focused on a bold, forward-looking agenda to restore a confident America, where every individual and family feels secure in their lives and in their futures.

When I think of the limitless potential my young daughters, Grace and Brynn, will have as they grow into young women, I want my girls' generation to remember the strength, determination, and struggles of the women who came before them and paved the way.

When our Founders created this great experiment in self-governance, the House of Representatives became, by design, the body closest to the people. We are the most accountable, and we must be the most transparent.

The power in Washington, D.C., is centered on the status quo - outdated systems, models, and programs built for a previous century. With more silicon and less concrete, we can open up those models to return power and independence to every man, woman, and child.

We operate in a world where you can have a package from Amazon arrive on your doorstep the same day; where Uber has a private driver at your front door within minutes; but when it comes to Congress, it takes three weeks for someone to get a form letter response to his or her questions.

I was single when I was first elected to Congress - and at 35 years old, I had given up the hope that I'd find my own 'Mr. Wonderful,' get married, and have a family.

My mom sacrificed everything for my brother and me. She taught me so many things - about life, love, faith, ambition, and family - and she instilled in me the desire to have my own kids one day.