The world may be driven by the same ancient impulses. We will continue to see human struggles and successes. We will witness human glory and tragedies.

I have worked hard since my childhood and worked as a labourer. I put my mind and heart into it.

I am the son of a freedom fighter, and a son of a freedom fighter automatically imbibes the value of democracy.

I can say that out of 365 days, I manage to do yoga on at least 300 days.

Democracy is our commitment. It is our great legacy, a legacy we simply cannot compromise. Democracy is in our DNA.

I do take pride in saying that in spite of being in public life for so long, there is not a single case against me, not even for wrongly parking a scooter or driving on the wrong side.

Much of India that we dream of still lies ahead of us: housing, power, water and sanitation for all; bank accounts and insurance for every citizen; connected and prosperous villages; and, smart and sustainable cities.

I'm not an ambitious person, there is no ambition in my life. I have a mission in my life. And my mission is to serve my country. And when I am working for my state, it means I am working for my country, or my nation.

I'm committed to the people of Gujarat. I will devote each and every moment to serve my people of Gujarat.

I found that the corridors of power in Delhi were littered with lobbies of various kinds.

I will meet my countrymen. I understand only one language: that they are my countrymen, they are my brothers. You may see with whatever colour you want; Modi will not go into that colour.

I believe that a government has only one religion - India first. A government has only one holy book - our Constitution. A government has only one kind of devotion - towards nation.

In a democracy, allegations will never improve situations. So, I'm against allegations, but I always welcome criticism.

The progress of India is the destiny of one-sixth of humanity. And it will also mean a world more confident of its prosperity and more secure about its future.

Before I became a chief minister, I never thought that one day I'd be the chief minister.

We live in an inter-dependent world. An isolated India is not in our interest.

I doubt anyone else would have travelled as extensively as I have to meet the citizens of the country.

I believe you never get tired by doing work. You get tired when you don't work. When you clean your house, you don't get tired; it gives you satisfaction.

So far as the government is concerned, there is only one holy book, which is the constitution of India. My government will not tolerate or accept any discrimination based on caste, creed and religion.

International summits and organisations like WTO take decisions, which will bind us, and if we are not present in such summits, we may be hurt by the decisions taken.

The Make in India campaign has taken off and is backed with skill development. It is going to open new vistas for employment for the youth.

Some people will have to be afraid. Those who plunder the nation, deliver injustice, will have to feel scared of me. And I am not afraid of admitting this. Government cannot be so lenient that it forgives them.

It is my responsibility that I must make demonstrative efforts to reach out to every citizen of the country.

Indians invest more in Britain than in the rest of European Union combined. It is not because they want to save on interpretation costs, but because they find an environment that is welcoming and familiar.