My voting rights agenda is not that different from what you'd see in H.R. 1.

We need to consider a financial transactions tax. And we need to ask whether the top marginal tax rates are really appropriate, given that the effective tax rates paid by the wealthy are often actually lower than those paid by the rest of us.

There's a lot to be said for expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Wall-to-wall coverage of the political intrigue in Washington focuses on which Capitol Hill players won the daily news cycle, with barely any reference to the communities and lives where politicians' decisions actually hit home.

On this National Immigration Day of Action, it is worth remembering that it's not just Americans in New York or Los Angeles who believe that we need a more humane and rational system.

Those of us who work in politics can only make ourselves useful if our heads are filled with things that we can contribute to the political space.

By high school, I had traded my oversized, thick glasses for contact lenses, but my eyesight was getting worse every year, smothering my childhood aspiration of becoming an astronaut or, at least, a pilot.

You could be a senior senator and have never managed more than a hundred people in your life.

It's time to join the ranks of nations that have put the ugliness of capital punishment behind them.

You know, I do believe that China is emerging as a competitor, not just a competitor but, in many ways, an adversary. And, you know, the Chinese model is also being held up globally as an alternative power model, and I very much believe in our model versus theirs.

When you become a citizen, you are an American and questioning somebody's Americanness because they disagree with you - is about one of the most un-American things I can think of.

Tearing apart a community, a business, and a family will make America worse off, every time.

The force that has come closest across American history to actually ending America was white supremacy. That was the Civil War.

Being attentive to the things that add meaning to our lives alongside politics will help us inform our politics with the values that really do make America great.

The background of a mayor of a city of any size is a background of somebody who on one hand is an executive and on the other hand is very close to the ground.

The greatest nation in the world should not have much to fear from a family, especially children, fleeing violence. More importantly, children fleeing violence ought to have nothing to fear from the greatest country in the world.

When people are economically or socially dislocated, they are always more vulnerable to being radicalized.

The old line of thought used to be that local government is the bush leagues.

My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man.

In my generation, thankfully, as somebody who served in the Afghanistan War, would have served in the Iraq War, if called to do so - was also strongly against the Iraq War, from the beginning - I'm so thankful that we live in a moment that we can honor the troops separately from policy.

I was well into adulthood before I was prepared to acknowledge the simple fact that I am gay. It took years of struggle and growth for me to recognize that it's just a fact of life, like having brown hair, and part of who I am.

I'm proud of who I am. I am proud of my husband and our marriage.

The challenge in confronting Trump is that there are certain things that he does that that you have to respond to, just morally. When he lies, you've got to correct the lie, which will keep you busy because he does it so often. When he does something wrong, you've got to point to it.

I don't know how it plays in San Francisco. But I can tell you I came out, during a reelection campaign, in Indiana, while Mike Pence was the governor. And I wound up winning reelection by 80 percent.