Online, you're trying to appeal to everyone and people who you don't know at the same time. So I think, as a side effect, it amplifies the desire for groupthink.

There are different groups of people in your life that you behave slightly differently with. You behave one way with your family. You behave in a different way with your work colleagues. You behave differently with your friends from the movie club, your fitness instructor - all subtly different personas.

There's so much stuff flying around online, and it's so easy to get into arguments with people.

I do think that it's a dysfunctional relationship between columnists and commentators, because they both seem to hate each other, like a terrible marriage.

I can quickly go to a place where I worry about society spiralling out of control.

I'm scared about everything. I'm an anxious worrier. I worry about the downside of everything.

When you meet people you've interacted with on social media, they are not like they are on social media.

All Pixar movies are heartbreaking, aren't they?

People always assume I went to public school, which I didn't, so that immediately puts me somewhere.

Hopefully, some supervillain threat will come down, and we will have to unite as a species and fire our nukes into the sun or something.

I think the problem we have as apes is we're asking far bigger questions than we could possibly process.

The logical quandaries thrown up by well-meaning systems are clearly something that I find darkly amusing.

On 'Black Mirror,' we don't tend to deal with big, powerful people, because when you look at a Weinstein or something, you think, 'Is he capable of feeling anything?'

With 'Hang the DJ,' I was concerned that it was more comedic and much lighter than we normally do for 'Black Mirror.'

I loved 'Get Out.'

I'm looking forward to the 'Twilight Zone' from Jordan Peele... if anyone's gonna reboot the 'Twilight Zone,' then there's the man to do it.

I wanna do some more goofy comedy stuff; I really enjoyed doing 'A Touch of Cloth.'

I've got no attention span.

I'm quite techy and gadgety.

I've got a phobia about throwing up.

I used to draw comics a lot. I was obsessed with 'The Young Ones,' and was massively into video games, although I was no good at them.

I'm extremely neurotic; it's the way my brain is built.

I remember when I realised, as a child, 'That stuff on the TV about nuclear bombs is real! Why isn't everyone running around shouting 'Aaarrgghh'? Why are people still buying bicycle clips?'

I liked 'Making A Murderer,' 'Master of None.' 'Stranger Things' I watched along with everyone else in the world. 'Narcos,' I really liked 'Narcos' a lot.