In general, people are returning to the site to find information on their peers, to make connections with friends and acquaintances, and to communicate with one another. To our mind, the fact that it's so many things at once-a reference tool, a means for communication, and a clean, fun site to use-is the central reason that people come back daily.

The volume's been low the past few sessions, and that tells you there's no enthusiasm, ... People may be expecting that the payrolls number Friday will be good, but they are not willing to bet on it too much yet. So you're seeing this tentative trade.

That is just a horrific number, regardless of what it was last year or the long-term average. There are way too many people dying on our roads.

It's going well so far. A lot of people are hearing about us word-of-mouth.

It's a lot of single people who are new to town. People who work as programmers during the day and are looking for a wider social scope.

It really is about a whole lot of people working together that really can make a difference if you band together.

They do a lot offensively, and they give you a ton of stuff to prepare for because they throw and run it pretty well. On defense, they stunt their linebackers and picking up those stunts is going to be a big key for us. I'm sure we will see 9-10 people at the line of scrimmage.

An important part of this is the immediacy and completeness of the information that's provided. If people see or hear something, they can immediately pick up the phone or e-mail their congressman.

Stress is like any other illness or injury - it affects different people differently, ... I do know that stress that public safety personnel encounter in the course of their work is something that's very real and it's something that can have a detrimental effect on people.

Prices are going nowhere and homebuilders are using a whole range of incentives to try and draw people in -- free carpets, furniture, legal fees, deposits -- you name it.

Islam's moderation and denunciation of violence. He said that Islam condemns the killing of innocent people in Iraq and violation of the Iraqi people's rights.

We in New Orleans are a people of faith, ... What if this tragedy should push ourselves to a greater good.

The ordinary man sees this court as something from the outside that has little meaning to his life. Most people see the court as an expensive waste that won't really change the country in terms of poverty and other serious problems.

We're putting people before the reconstruction of buildings,

We need to reopen soon; we need to provide, ... They are good people and the ones with anxiety, we will take care of them.

Both of us recognize there's a need for this type of housing, and both of us are going after it in a big way. All the market research you see indicates people are wanting to retire here.

Two thousand five was a great year. Our investment in Hub's sales culture and the commitment of our people enabled us to post organic growth in the face of declining insurance rates. Our acquisition team continued to excel in identifying and closing attractive opportunities. In addition, we achieved our goal of increasing operating margins, recording a one-percentage-point improvement for the quarter and the year.

This year, we decided to look back and to honor and showcase some of the artists who came up during that time and team them with the rising stars that people always love to see at the festival.

You have to break down communication barriers among people in the health care system. There is some really good technology already out there, but the methodology and record keeping are hundreds of years old.

There has long been speculation that working folks whose co-payments or share-of-cost keep rising, may decide to take the risk and opt out of medical coverage, ... I haven't seen actual numbers of people dis-enrolling from insurance, but the scenario is logical.

We're attempting to help people move through the pilgrimage from being victims to being victors for the Lord,

We are connecting them to the people who say they have an interest in that product. It means there is a way to find a population you want to advertise to and serve them with relevant information on a consistent basis.

We were very interested in avoiding the fallacy that you can replicate on three completely different people the performance of the three other people.

The action is pretty good considering everything. If we can basically hold up through the close, that may confirm for some people that we have set a temporary bottom that could hold up for the next week or two.