Uh-huh. You know with that sinister tone you should look into working for the IRS. I’m sure they’re desperate for people who can cow others with a single growl. (Susan)

What? Had a dry spell of killing people lately? (Susan) As a matter of fact, yes. If it doesn’t end soon, I might get out of practice. (Otto)

Remember, Nick, there are only two people in the universe I care for…and you’re not one of them. (Savitar)

Honestly? I don’t want people around me for two reasons – they ultimately betray you or they die on you. Either way, you’re screwed and you spend all your time obsessing on why you didn’t see it coming. Or that you did something or didn’t do something to cause it. No offense, but I don’t like to be hurt and I’d rather just avoid it.(Ravyn)

I can’t believe I’m mated to someone who’s allergic to me. (Ravyn) You? I’m the one who should be having a hissy. How do I introduce you to people? Hi, this is my…what? Significant other? Mate? Pet? (Susan)

People are basically irritating. Myself included.

I follow after my father, who likes to protect mankind, and I really don’t want to see a bunch of demons eating people. Call me sentimental. (Kat)

You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone. (Acheron)

You are incredibly wise. (Kat) Only when it comes to other people. It’s easy to see how to fix their lives. It’s much harder to see the cracks in your own house. (Acheron)

People will knife you in the back for a stinking crumb and then go on with their lives as if you’re nothing but a worthless roach. (Aiden)

Just remember, sometimes people will put you ahead of themselves. It does happen. (Leta) Yeah, the whole world is just rainbows and puppies. Boy Scouts really do help old ladies cross the street without mugging them and no one ever ignores a trauma victim’s screams. (Aiden)

No, Simi. No food. (Acheron) No, Simi. No food. The Simi don’t like this, akri. Katoteros is boring. There’s nothing fun there. Only old dead people who want to come back here. Bleh! (Simi) Simi...(Acheron) I hear and obey, akri. The Simi just never said she would do so quietly. (Simi)

You’re barely one step up from the Australopithecines, aren’t you? (Acheron) Hey, be respectful when you say that, snot nose. Haven’t you seen the commercials? Us cavemen are very sensitive people. (Savitar)

It's the lack of humanity in the human psyche that haunts me. The hypocrisy. How people as a group can take something like tolerance and contort it into a new form of intolerance and conformity. The way humanity can justify any kind of evil.

If I could have one wish, it would be for people to look at one another with open hearts and minds. Most of all, to look at each other with compassion. No matter who they are.

Not everyone who's homeless is a drug-addict or in need of mental health care. Some are normal people who've been knocked down, and it can happen to you, too. Not all of us made bad life choices.

People started down the road with good intentions, but the moment the road became rough or difficult, they'd abandon it.

Baby, I ain't trash. Trash is something you throw away. My people keep me.

The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally.

I'm telling you people; its a zombie attack. Z to the Oto the M to the B to the I,E. ZOMBIE..." -Bubba

No one has ever touched me like you do. You’re like a whisper. Gentle, soft. Soothing. In my world, the people only shout and scream. But you… you’re my haven. “ … “God, you’re good

I should have thought of this years ago. But that was the problem with being sane. Sane people played by the rules. They looked for rational explanations and solutions in an insane universe.

The depth and strength of our character is defined by our moral code. People only reveal themselves when they're thrown out of the usual conditions of their lives. That's when the truth of who they are is revealed...

When you first take someone’s life, two people die. The person you just killed and the human being you used to be. You’re never the same after that—it changes you forever and not in a good way —and no matter how hard you try, you can’t go back to the innocence you had. Ever.