The Federal Reserve and Congress have systematically taught the American people to trust the government and that caution in spending is harmful to the economy.

Government spending is always a “tax” burden on the American people and is never equally or fairly distributed. The poor and low-middle income workers always suffer the most from the deceitful tax of inflation and borrowing.

What you are inferring is, If we were to legalise heroin tomorrow everybody would use heroin. How many people here would start using heroin? I bet nobody would. Oh yeah, I need the government to take care of me. I don't want to use heroin, so I need these laws.

Why is it is claimed that if people won't or can't take care of their own needs, that people in government can do it for them?

Remember that no time is ever wasted that makes two people better friends.

People who accomplish big things did small things well.

The next time you face a customer who has every right to be upset, say something like this: 'I don't blame you for feeling as you do. If I were you, I'd feel exactly the same way. What would you like for me to do?' These are magical, healing words, and you'll be surprised at how reasonable people become when they believe you are on their side.

Spend your life lifting people up, not putting them down.

Don't do business with anyone who has a history of suing people.

Be smarter than other people, just don't tell them so.

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.

Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people's bad manners.

Hire people more for their judgment than for their talents.

When lending people money, be sure their character exceeds their collateral.

Ask someone you'd like to know to list five people they would most like to meet. It will tell you a lot about them.

Happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.

It's not your job to get people to like you, it's your job to like people.

Governor Palin leans far closer to 'spokesperson' than representative of the people.

I got the sense that Alabama is a place where people don't want handouts and don't much care for people talking out of the side of their mouth.

It's one thing to break stuff and damage people's possessions, but when you start aiming at the ideology of America, that's dangerous comedy.

History has a habit of changing the people who think they are changing it

It's the end game that people dread and that's what I'm scared of

Before you can kill a demon, you have to be able to say it's name. Names have power. While the word Alzheimer's terrorizes us, it has power over us. When we are prepared to discuss it aloud, we might have power over it. It's thought of as a mental illness and it is a physical illness, affecting the brain. There should be no shame in having it, yet people still don't talk about it

The Chain Letter to the Ephebians. Forget Your Gods. Be Subjugated. Learn to Fear. Do not break the chain -- the last people who did woke up one morning to find fifty thousand armed men on their lawn.