Time was something that largely happened to other people; he viewed it in the same way that people on the shore viewed the sea. It was big and it was out there, and sometimes it was an invigorating thing to dip a toe into, but you couldn't live in it all the time. Besides, it always made his skin wrinkle.

You're allowed to grant people into the darkness, but you must allow them to come out again.

The best research you can do is to talk to people.

Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all the time might start to think.

They know that people need witches; they need the unofficial people who understand the difference between right and wrong, and when right is wrong and when wrong is right. The world needs the people who work around the edges. They need the people who can deal with the little bumps and inconveniences. And little problems. After all, we are almost all human. Almost all of the time.

People don't alter history any more than birds alter the sky, they just make brief patterns in it.

Tragic heroes always moan when the gods take an interest in them, but it's the people the gods ignore who get the really tough deals

Reality is not digital, an on-off state, but analog. Something gradual. In other words, reality is a quality that things possess in the same way that they possess, say, weight. Some people are more real than others, for example. It has been estimated that there are only about five hundred real people on any given planet, which is why they keep unexpectedly running into one another all the time.

Granny Weatherwax was not a good loser. From her point of view, losing was something that happened to other people.

The people who guard the rainbow don't like those who get in the way of the sun.

He'd been an angel once. He hadn't meant to Fall. He'd just hung around with the wrong people.

It's always surprising to be reminded that while you're watching and thinking about people, all knowing and superior, they're watching and thinking about you, right back at you.

Some people are confident because they are fools. Leonard had the look of someone who was confident because, so far, he'd never found a reason not to be.

Humans need fantasy to be human. Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. And yet you act, like there was some sort of rightness in the universe by which it may be judged:Yes. But people have got to believe that or what's the point?My point exactly.

I was a very keen reader of science fiction, and during the time I was going to libraries, it was good, written by people who knew their science.

I'm not really good at fun-to-know, human interest stuff. We're not 'celebrities', whose life itself is a performance. Good or bad or ugly, we are our words. They're what people meet.

Journalism makes you think fast. You have to speak to people in all walks of life. Especially local journalism.

I know three people who have got better after a brain tumour. I haven't heard of anyone who's got better from Alzheimer's.

It seems that when you have cancer you are a brave battler against the disease, but when you have Alzheimer's you are an old fart. That's how people see you. It makes you feel quite alone.

I do not, in fact, use many puns. Certainly there are far fewer than people believe. But I suspect the ones I do occasionally use tend to hang around in people's memories for a while.

Seven hundred thousand people who have dementia in this country are not heard. I'm fortunate; I can be heard. Regrettably, it's amazing how people listen if you stand up in public and give away $1 million for research into the disease, as I have done.

I got quite annoyed after the Haiti earthquake. A baby was taken from the wreckage and people said it was a miracle. It would have been a miracle had God stopped the earthquake. More wonderful was that a load of evolved monkeys got together to save the life of a child that wasn't theirs.

There are some people who hate my guts. But that goes with the territory.

It's not morbid to talk about death. Most people don't worry about death, they worry about a bad death.