"If Jesus was here, do you think Jesus would show me any love? Do you think Jesus would love me?"

"When I was in prison, I was wrapped up in all those deep books. That Tolstoy crap - people shouldn't read that stuff."

"I intend to fight and I want to win. But my priorities are basically to be a good Brother and a strong one, and to try to be a good father one day."

"Sometimes I put on a ski mask and dress in old clothes, go out on the streets and beg for quarters."

"I ain't the same person I was when I bit that guy's ear off."

"I've lived places these guys can't defecate in."

"I think I'll take a bath in his blood."

"I just want to conquer people and their souls."

"I'm not much for talking. You know what I do. I put guys in body bags when I'm right."

"I love to hit people. I love to."

"I'm going to gut you like a fish."

"You come home, and you party. But after that, you get a hangover. Everything about that is negative."

"Real freedom is having nothing. I was freer when I didn't have a cent."

"Greatness is not guarding yourself from the people; greatness is being accepted by the people."

"I'm just like you. I enjoy the forbidden fruits in life, too."

"I feel like sometimes that I was not meant for this society."

"I'm just happy I'm not a phony."

"I'm a Muslim, but I think Jesus would have a drink with me. He would be cool. He would talk to me."

"That equals to being a fool, having fame and no fortune. A lot of guys out there have fame doing this and doing that, but they are broke."

"I think the average person thinks I'm a nut and I deserve whatever happens to me."

"I try to catch them right on the tip of his nose, because I try to punch the bone into the brain."

"Anyone with a grain of sense would know that if I punched my wife I would rip her head off. It's all lies. I have never laid a finger on her."

"The only thing I do is just pray for inspiration, for a way of thinking, because I don't have any particular goal in sight."

"I was hoping he would get up so I could hit him again and keep him down."