A man’s kiss is his signature.

I never loved another person the way I loved myself.

Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.

To err is human - but it feels divine.

Look your best - who said love is blind?

Love thy neighbor -- and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier.

Sex is an emotion in motion.

Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution.

When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it.

Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free.

Deep in my heart I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess what I'm feeling - frightened you'll slip away.

I've been popular and unpopular successful and unsuccessful loved and loathed and I know how meaningless it all is. Therefore I feel free to take whatever risks I want.

I know that war is very cruel and that life is harder when you aren't able to live in the place you called home.

The best book, like the best speech, will do it all - make us laugh, think, cry and cheer - preferably in that order.

I was in Europe and it was at this stage that I fell in love with Americans in uniform. And I continue to have that love affair.

Whether we are New Dealer, Old Dealer, Liberty Leaguer or Red, whether we agree or not, we still have the right to think and speak how we feel.

It is always a strain when people are being killed. I don't think anybody has held this job who hasn't felt personally responsible for those being killed.

I feel like I just grabbed a big juicy worm with a right sharp hook in the middle of it.

My thing is you just have to try to feel young and stay young. Obviously you get a little older, but I still want my music to be young. I don't want to sound like an old dad onstage, so you just have to write music that sounds young.

Anytime I sing the anthem, it is an honor and my heart beats out of my chest.

Nothing is more frustrating to me than putting a song on an album and regret putting it on there. I'm excited that there are no songs on 'Tailgates & Tanlines' that I'm iffy about.

I'm excited to be part of a movement that's progressing country music. There's always gonna be people saying, 'It ain't country anymore,' but I don't get into that whole deal.