"One should always be drunk. That's all that matters...But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk."

"If everybody who had brains and doubts left Orthodoxy, we would be in a great deal of trouble."

"It's always easier to learn something than to use what you've learned."

"The silence became unreal and seemed suddenly filled with a noise of its own, the noise of a too long silence."

"Oh, it makes a difference, I thought. And if it doesn't make a difference you will make it make a difference."

"As long as we have a poor country bordering California, it's going to be very difficult to win strikes."

"I think at the time I wasn't very happy about it [marriage], but actually it made me a stronger person, you find out things about yourself that maybe you hadn't realized. I think you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you are younger and I really valued that time for me as well, although I didn't think it at the time."

"I think I know I've been working very hard for the family business, sometimes those days are long days and I think if I know I'm working hard and pulling my weight, both working and playing hard at the same time, I think everyone who I work with can see I am there pulling my weight."

"Actually William wasn't there for quite a bit of the time initially, he wasn't there for Freshers Week, so it did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other but we did become very close friends from quite early."

"Well I think if you really go out with someone for quite a long time you do get to know each other very, very well, you go through the good times, you go through the bad times. You know both personally, but also within a relationship as well."

"If any of us caught a fever during pregnancy, we would seek advice and support from a doctor. Getting help with our mental health is no different - our children need us to look after ourselves and get the support we need."

"A child's mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support."

"Addiction is a hugely complex and destructive disease, and its impact can be simply devastating. All too often, lives and families can be shattered by it."

"Having a child, particularly your first child, is such a life-changing moment. Nothing can really prepare you for that."

"The challenge that so many people have is not knowing how to take that first step of reaching out to another person for help."

"My parents taught me about the importance of qualities like kindness, respect, and honesty, and I realize how central values like these have been to me throughout my life."

"I was quite nervous about meeting William's father, but he was very, very welcoming, very friendly, it couldn't have gone easier really for me."

"The smartest thing I did was to stop going online. I'm the sort of person who will just look for the negative - Michael really can't understand it, but that's just the way I am. And with my bipolar thing, that's poison. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. And it's so liberating."

"I'm intimidated every day I go on the stage and everyday I go on a movie set. It's terrifying and I always want to reshoot the first day or the first week, I'm so terrified."

"In Hollywood everything is so documented. If you go for a drink with somebody, it's passed around the world so quickly."

"If my revelation of having bipolar II has encouraged one person to seek help, then it is worth it. There is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help."

"I get terrified the first day I'm on a film set. I get nervous walking down a red carpet. I find making speeches the most terrifying thing in the world."