Be proficient in your field as well as in harmony among fellow men.

The way to bring back the dream is to relive the dream as if it were happening now.

I will play with my children and joke with my children, but business is business. When the subject is a serious one, you don’t go around trying to keep from hurting their feelings. You say what must be said and set the rules which must be set without worrying about whether they like it or not.

I am not easily discouraged, readily visualize myself as overcoming obstacles, winning out over set backs, achieving “impossible” objectives.

Right now I can project my thoughts into the future. I can see ahead of me. I dream (remember that practical dreamers never quit). I may now own nothing but a little place down in a basement, but once my imagination has got up a full head of stream, I can see painted on a canvas on my mind a picture of a fine, big fix or six story Gung Fun Institute with branches all over the States…

Drop and dissolve inner blockage. A conditioned mind is never a free mind. Wipe away and dissolve all its experience and be “born afresh”.

Sharpen the psychic power of seeing in order to act immediately in accordance with what it sees.

Thoughts are things, in the sense that thought can be translated into its physical equivalent.

Shut down all forms of distraction. Eliminate all opportunities for rivalry.

I don’t drink nor smoke and those events are many times senseless.

I’m not a smoker because I don’t think putting smoke into your body is quite the thing to do. As for alcohol, I think it tastes awful. Don’t know why anyone should want to drink the stuff.

Man is constantly growing, and when he is bound by a set pattern of ideas, or “way” of doing things, that’s when he stops growing.

Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.

Please observe the adaptability of water. If you squeeze it fast, the water will flow out quickly. If you squeeze it slowly, it will come out slowly.

The inability to adapt brings destruction.

I like light rain. It gives one such a sense of calmness and tranquility. I enjoy walking in the rain. But most of all, I like books. I read all types of books – fiction and nonfiction.

I like light rain. It gives one such a sense of calmness and tranquility. I enjoy walking in the rain. But most of all, I like books. I read all types of books – fiction and nonfiction.

We all have time to either spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.

When there is a particle of dust in your eye, the world becomes a narrow path – have your mind completely free from objects – and how much this life expands.

Who is there that can make muddy water clear? But if allowed to remain still, it will become clear of itself. Who is there that can secure a state of absolute repose? But keep calm and let time go on, and the state of repose will gradually arrest.

Intensity and/or enthusiasm is this god within us – one that instinctively becomes the art of the physical “becoming” and within this transition we no longer care to know what life means. We are indeed furnishing the “what is” by simply being.

Nobility of character manifests itself at loopholes when it is not provided with large doors.

Self-will seems to be the only virtue that takes no account of man-made laws.

We do not see “it” in its suchness because of our indoctrination, crooked and twisted.