Women must think strategically about creating ongoing pressure for change.

Angels are pure thoughts from God, winged with Truth and Love.

I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, charity, letting good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer, and praise express my conception of Truth’s appearing.

The human sigh for peace and love is answered and compensated by divine love.

Literary commercialism is lowering the intellectual standard to accommodate the purse and to meet a frivolous demand for amusement instead of for improvement.

Complaint is poverty.

Ideas are spiritual, harmonious and eternal

If Christianity is not scientific, and Science is not God, then there is no invariable law, and truth becomes an accident.

Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear.

Truth has no beginning.

Our proportionate admission of the claims of good or of evil determines the harmony of our existence, - our health, our longevity, and our Christianity.

Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, but not the boundary, of the affections.

This is the doctrine of Christian Science: that divine Love cannot be deprived of its manifestation, or object; that joy cannot be turned into sorrow, for sorrow is not the master of joy; that good can never produce evil; that matter can never produce mind nor life result in death. The perfect man - governed by God, his perfect Principle - is sinless and eternal.

When the heart speaks, however simple the words, its language is always acceptable to those who have hearts.

To infinite, ever present Love, all is Love, and there is no error, no sin sickness, nor death.

Error is a supposition that pleasure and pain, that intelligence, substance, life, are existent in matter. Error is neither Mind nor one of Mind's faculties. Error is the contradiction of Truth. Error is a belief without understanding. Error is unreal because untrue. It is that which stemma to be and is not. If error were true, its truth would be error, and we should have a self-evident absurdity -namely, erroneous truth. Thus we should continue to lose the standard of Truth.

Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, though not the boundary, of the affections.

God is Mind, and God is infinite; hence all is Mind.

The mariner will have dominion over the atmosphere and the great deep, over the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air.

In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest.

God is universal; confined to no spot, defined by no dogma, appropriated by no sect.

To prevent disease or to cure it, the power of Truth, of divine Spirit, must break down the dream of the material senses.

Every luminary in the constellation of human greatness, like the stars, comes out in the darkness to shine with the reflected light of God.

Two points of danger beset mankind; namely, making sin seem either too large or too little ...