Tanning is tricky, because a lot of people just look orange.

A magnetic personality doesn't necessarily indicate a good heart.

I hope that anyone I worked with wouldn't exploit our relationship.

My parents were divorced and I would spend weekends with my father.

I don't consider myself a celebrity, and I don't consider myself a star.

I'm very hard on my bags because I tend to carry a lot of stuff with me.

Some people's personalities are so compelling that they command attention.

I don't mind aging. I mean, my whole thing is, it's just a privilege to age.

Fear, anxiety and neurosis: that's just in the suitcase when you're an actor.

I had learning disabilities, and I couldn't express myself in the written word.

You know when someone's over-flattering you in a way. You smile but you can't believe it.

I tend to make low-budget movies but, yeah, I make more money than I ever thought I would make.

I'm not someone who likes to have my picture taken, let alone see it plastered all over the place.

I've always thought that I'm sexy in my own right, but not in a way that people thought was bankable.

I could have gone to the gym for three hours a day and bought into all that, but I just wasn't interested.

I grew up in Manhattan and, since my father was a playwright, all I ever wanted to be was a stage actress.

Fame didn't happen to me in my 20s, it has been a gradual thing which probably makes it easier to deal with.

At school I was always trying to con my teachers into letting me act out book reports instead of writing them.

I always laugh to myself when I listen to some really big A-list star saying that they are just a normal person.

What I love about a play is that it's such an investment because only time can create a lot of what happens onstage.

For me to have the opportunity to stay with one character for, God willing, a long period of time, is really exciting.

I'm always curious, but I'm learning things I never thought I'd learn. I get to travel to places I never thought I'd go.

People's view of cancer will change when they have their own relationship with cancer, which everyone will, at some point.

When your life is being threatened there's an instinctive urge to fight. You fight for the time you have, for your relationships.