I have either a cucumber martini, gin martini, or a vodka martini. That's it. Simple.

There is only one way to gain access to the truth and that is to not expect anything.

You draw on whatever’s relevant to the part you’re playing; it makes it more personal.

One regret I have: I didn't get as much of the family history as I could have for the kids.

It's important not to indicate. People don't try to show their feelings, they try to hide them.

Write down everything you want to do with your life and then spend the next 25 years doing them.

I always say people can call me anything they want as long as they don't call me late for supper.

You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.

When I think of a good restaurant, it's where the food has been consistent; there's always a consistency.

You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it's all about. A deer's gotta be taken with one shot.

Somebody steals from me, I'm gonna say you stole. Not talk to him for spitting on the sidewalk. Understand?

One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people's lives without having to pay the price.

If De Niro wants to spend the twilight of his career as the McDonald's of master thespians, we can't stop him.

Sometimes if you have financial restraints, it's a benefit. It forces you to come up with a more creative way.

I think it's important to have had at least a few years of obscurity, where people treat you like everybody else.

In acting, I always try to go back to what would actually be the real situation, the real human behavior in life.

The director respects what they've hired you for and chosen you for: to do the part and respect what you're doing.

Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?

I think Hollywood has a class system. The actors are like the inmates, but the truth is they're running the asylum.

Movies are hard work. The public doesn't see that. The critics don't see it. But they're a lot of work. A lot of work.

Auditions are like a gamble. Most likely you won't get the part, but if you don't go, you'll never know if you could've got it.

When you feel that you can't fight it, you just go for it. When it comes to the arts, passion should always trump common sense.

You talking to me? You talking to me? Then who the hell else are you talking to - you talking to me? Well, I'm the only one here.

When you are working hard, you don't have time for anything other than what you are doing in the scene and what the director wants.