"It changed me more than anything else. You don't want to get to that place where you're the adult and you're palpably in the next generation. And, this shoved me into that."

"I try to remember, as I hear about friends getting engaged, that it's not about the ring and it's not about the wedding. It's a grave thing, getting married. And it's easy to get swept up in the wrong things."

"Could I use some butter and cheese and eggs in my cooking without going down some kind of hippie shame spiral? Yes. Of course I could."

"Beauty fades! I just turned 29, so I probably don't have that many good years left in me."

"I have a very highly developed sense of denial."

"I was having such a hard time when I made Sylvia. I gave everything I had for that role. It's one or two or three things I'm most proud of in terms of my work. But it was very dark."

"I'm hard on myself, so I'm working on shifting perspective toward self-acceptance, with all my flaws and weaknesses."

"I'll immediately gain, like, 5 pounds even just by thinking about cutting out dessert. It's a nightmare. I decided, for me, the healthiest thing was to eat what I want and just exercise. Some women can watch what they eat, but I just can't do that."

"I say what I think, and I stand behind what I say."

"I've had a very interesting career. I get to do amazing things and work with amazing people and travel and learn languages - things most people don't get the opportunity to do."

"The simpler things are, the happier they are."

"The adrenaline of a live performance is unlike anything in film or theater. I can see why it's so addictive."

"I don't eat red meat, but sometimes a man needs a steak."

"My life is good because I am not passive about it. I invest in what is real. Like real people, to do real things, for the real me."

"I think I've been able to fool a lot of people because I know I'm a dork. I'm a geek."

"It was such a turning point to find that I had a talent and I had something to contribute, somewhere."

"I wish I could write more make-believe. It's a lot easier to write about hard times and when things are going wrong. But I've never been a private person."

"Being a singer is all about me. About ego. Being a mom is all about being selfless - two different worlds."

"As a famous person you think how you're gonna end it, get away and have a normal life."

"At a certain point I'm going to want to have a family."

"At first it was my brother's songwriting and I was just doing what everyone told me."

"I don't fight with people - like, I can barely fight with my husband because I'll just start crying instead."

"I don't mean this in a stuck-up way, but I needed an attitude song."

"I imagine my children are going to save me from my vanity and be my passion and fill whatever fears I have of the amazing time I'm having right now being gone."