One must be aesthetically long-termist in selecting a man - it's like purchasing a farmhouse in the south of France. Sure, it's beautiful to look at, but will the roof stay on?

London and its people are famed for their incredible indifference to one another, but it's actually a charade that requires some effort to maintain.

An actor with a genuine gift has the power to transport you from whatever your own pains may be into an entirely different world, freeing you from whatever you may be going through. At its best, it can be better than any medication.

Let's start spreading work experience and opportunities a little wider so that the photographers, writers, and TV producers of tomorrow are drawn from a broader section of society.

It is extremely hard to bring a claim for compensation against the police or the Crown Prosecution Service, even when a person has been charged with an offence and later cleared.

The family court is extremely child focussed. Its overriding objective is to do what is in a child's best interests.

Before starting a building project, it is wise to discuss your plans in full with the neighbours.

If something looks like a tax avoidance scheme, then that's probably what it is - and there's lots of clever people working day and night to close them down.

I know a bit about taxation and the remarkable effort that goes in to avoiding it.

The state of some of our roads is a matter of national embarrassment.

People form strong attachments to their properties.

If an employer decides to flout the law, it may be guilty of criminal offences and subject to serious financial liability.

It is always best to settle all outstanding financial matters as soon as divorce proceedings are concluded.

Most people assume that when you go to court and win your case that you are guaranteed to get your money. Sadly, this isn't always the case.

We need journalists to be fearless and hold power to account.

If the press is to be free, the state has no role in regulating what is published.

My grandfather wanted to remind us that freedom of expression is the fundamental ingredient for democracy, and all the rest is detail. It is the scaffolding around which every other freedom is based.

There's a lot of judges on TV in America. Apart from Judge Judy, the vast majority of them are terrible.

The difficulty with American television is it's pot luck.

There are plenty of organisations making a real difference to the lives of gay people around the country that do need our help, so why undermine the wonder of 'Strictly' by politicising it?

Would it be a big step forward for the LGBTQI community if there were same-sex couples on 'Strictly?' Do me a favour. Some things ain't politics, and 'Strictly' is one of them.

Ultimately, whenever you have a new opportunity, do it with gusto and fun and be wholly indifferent to what other people think.

By the time I finished doing regular practice, most of my work was in international regulatory law, so I was advising foreign governments about their responsibility and roles in things like public inquiries.

I did a couple of plays at university, badly, where I made friends with Benedict Cumberbatch. When you see someone like him acting, it makes you think there's not much point in doing it yourself.