A line of duty death, whether an officer, special agent, or professional staff employee, is personal to the FBI, and it's personal to me as Director.

It takes an incredibly special person to be willing to put his or her life on the line for a complete stranger. And to get up every morning, day after day after day, to do that, I think, is extraordinary.

Every time I attend an FBI graduation for new agents or new analysts at Quantico, a significant number of those graduates are former state and local officers, and I have the privilege of shaking their hands, presenting them with their credentials, and welcoming them to the FBI family.

Our folks at the FBI are working their tails off every day to stop and find criminals, terrorists, and nation-state adversaries.

China has pioneered a societal approach to stealing innovation in any way it can from a wide array of businesses, universities, and organizations.

Criminal and terrorist threats are morphing beyond traditional actors and tactics. We still have to worry about things like an al-Qaida cell plotting a large-scale attack, but we also now have to worry increasingly about homegrown violent extremists radicalizing in the shadows.

9/11 was a gamechanger in so many terrible ways, not just for the United States and for our own national security apparatus but for the whole world. And those attacks blew apart any notion of separation between foreign and domestic threats, any notion that such attacks only happen to other people in other countries.

What was once a comparatively minor threat - people hacking for fun or for bragging rights - has turned into full-blown economic espionage and extremely lucrative cyber crime.

The work of the FBI, to put it mildly, is complex and covers just about every threat we face.

All American voices are important, and the FBI's Protected Voices videos and resources will help all Americans protect themselves online.

Your voice matters, so protect it.

Protected Voices aims to help political campaigns, private companies, and individuals protect themselves from foreign actors who want to hijack their message.

We've created these Protected Voices videos to showcase the methods these adversaries might use, and to help campaigns practice good cyber hygiene, because the foundation of election security is cybersecurity.

China has national security laws that compel Chinese companies to provide the government with information and access at their government's request. And virtually all Chinese companies of any size are required to have Communist Party 'cells' inside them, to make sure the companies stay in line with the party's principles and policies.

Our folks at the FBI and at DOJ are working their tails off every day to protect our nation's companies, our universities, our computer networks, and our ideas and innovation.

Understanding the Chinese counterintelligence threat better will help us respond to it more effectively. China is taking a multi-faceted approach, so we've got to have a multi-faceted response.

In this country, we value our open, free-market system - including the way it attracts international investment and talent to our country.

We've got to make sure tech companies - all of them - aren't taking steps that will place content beyond the reach of the courts.

Cybersecurity is a central part of the FBI's mission. It's one part of the broader safety net we try to provide the American people: not only safe data, safe personal information, but also safe communities, safe schools.

Technology has made life much easier for the good guy - there's no doubt.

All too often, vital electronic evidence has been made unavailable through encryption that doesn't allow for execution of legal process including court-approved search warrants.

FISA is a powerful tool - and we've got to be sure we're using it properly, at every step in the process. But we couldn't do our jobs without it.

Our Constitution in many situations rightly demands a warrant or order before we take investigative steps. And the FISC provides that vital, independent oversight.

FISA is one of the most important investigative tools we've got in preventing our adversaries from harming our country.