It is important that China stop its over-reliance on municipal debt to finance infrastructure. I take comfort in the fact that China's leaders understand this.

I believe some of the tensions the U.S. has had with Russia and that the Europeans have had with Russia... China is taking advantage of some of those dealings.

I think the Chinese are wise. After all, they know the U.S. is in a very different league than Russia. The U.S. is the major power in the world, and the US-China relationship... is very important to global stability, to sustain global economic growth.

China has a more assertive, proactive foreign policy as its interests are growing around the world.

No matter how the financial system is set up, no matter what the economic system is, as long as you have people, you're going to have financial crises; you're going to have bubbles that manifest themselves in the financial system.

I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton, with the hope that she can bring Americans together to do the things necessary to strengthen our economy, our environment, and our place in the world.

Simply put, a Trump presidency is unthinkable.

If the only way you can do well is working more hours than someone else, you're going to lose out because there's always going to be someone who is going to work more.

I don't know anyone that says, 'Boy, I had a great career, and I'm happy because I screwed up my life outside of my career, my family life.' There's no one that feels that way.

I am suspicious of career engineers, people that plan it out every step of the way.

When I left the Treasury, there was a poll that showed - and I don't remember the numbers exactly right - something like 90% of the people were against TARP. It prevented a disaster, but you don't get credit for a disaster that people don't see.

Frankly I'm a bit concerned when it comes to U.S.-China relations.

As our relationship with China grows and matures, tensions will naturally emerge.

China's growth and stability is a vital issue for all nations.

It's better to have the taxpayer pay for the losses than have the United States of America become an economic wasteland. If the financial system collapses, it's really, really hard to put it back together again.

I supported some very, very objectionable things in terms of bailouts or rescues, but I did it not for Wall Street, but for the American people.

I know the automakers are important to the United States. We care about the automobile industry.

Sovereign wealth fund money should be welcomed. The only way not to welcome that money is when it's politically driven.

Predators, they're the best coal miners' canary. When they're gone, you've got a sick ecosystem.

After I left Treasury, I think in some ways it was harder to sit there and be writing my book... listening to all the criticism.

Every good businessman or woman carefully analyzes all the available facts before making a decision.

I think history shows that countries have to have some kind of a threshold level of economic success before they begin to have the means and the will to focus on the environment.

Foreclosures are a significant problem; they're an economic problem.

I want to remind you of one thing, which is, when I look around the world and look at the long-term economic fundamentals we have in this country, I think they compare favorably with what I see in any major developed country in the world.