I've realised that when fashion is really good and really challenges and takes a risk, it is incredibly artistically powerful. It makes people dream.

Sometimes you fall out of love with what you do. Some days, you wake up and wish you worked on a farm.

I find it difficult to go to museums. I prefer houses.

The minute you can be predicted, as a brand, you've got a problem.

We put something on Instagram, and it gets reposted, and it's everywhere, and a minute later it's gone, over. I don't see that as a negative thing; it's the way my mind works, too.

When I started at Loewe, I took a year out before we did a collection because I felt we needed to work out all the fundamentals. The pencils, the door handles, the style of the press release, the stone of the buildings, the choice of photographer.

When I do a fashion show, it's not done until it exits out of the door.

I believe that collaboration is one of the most important things in any field.

I always think the great thing about shirting is that it goes with jeans, and jeans are probably the most modern, functional garment that ever existed. That is what is so great about shirting - it is an up-play-down-play.

For me, menswear is an experimental ground to play with something. There is scope to be gained there - you can create a new normality.

I've collected John Ward pieces for years. Ward represents ideas of nature and of sediments.

I'm very open about my referencing; I'm very open about who I work with.

If you do generic things, you know, after a while, brands or designers become stagnated.

For me, fashion is exciting, and it should be exciting whether you get it wrong or right.

I collect craft. It inspires me.

When I first came to Wakefield Cathedral, I thought, 'How does man conceive to build something like this?' It's a building that has transcended time over the centuries, and you appreciate the magnitude of humankind's power and vision. When you're inside, you feel as though the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I love collecting things from auction - we Brits really are hoarders and collectors.

Trend-wise, I hope to keep bringing completely new collections to the industry that will make people think and defy the norm.

For me, fashion should always be evolving so it remains exciting and unexpected.

I try to live my life free of regrets, but I do have one style regret that makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. Mum used to dress my brother and me in bright neon bike pants and big baggy t-shirts that were so long you could barely see our bike pants.

No one reads anything. They just look at images.

I think, in history, everything is about the remix.

People get bored very quickly.

When I became a teenager, I got very into clothing. I remember cutting Gucci advertisements and sticking them on my wall.