How did we get into this funny-looking body that has a hole at one end in which we regularly stuff dead plants and animals? It's bizarre that we got here, incarnated into this world with these bodies.

No one knows how this world came into being. It is a creation of consciousness itself. It's extraordinary, a mystery.

Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you.

The work of your heart, the work of taking time, to listen, to help, is also your gift to the whole of the world

Changing the world takes more than everything any one person knows, but not more than we know together.

A why has to be for others. It's something you give to the world. It's the reason your friends love you because this is the thing that you give them and it fulfills them. This is the reason your clients love you or your fans love you because you give them something. It's something to offer, that's what the why is.

Givers advance the world. Takers advance themselves and hold the world back

Before we can build the world we want to live in, we have to imagine it.

Good marketing offers us a view of the world. Bad marketing offers us a product to buy.

Don't quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can't see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound.

During World War II, the pilot losses were staggering. In some bombing raids, as many as 80% of the planes that left did not return.

Simple ideas are easier to understand. Ideas that are easier to understand are repeated. Ideas that are repeated change the world.

Your work is your own private megaphone to tell the world what you believe.

All the great organizations in the world, all have a sense of why that organization does what it does.

The media have substituted themselves for the older world.

The fall or scrapping of a cultural world puts us all into the same archetypal cesspool, engendering nostalgia for earlier conditions.

I am not a "culture critic" because I am not in any way interested in classifying cultural forms. I am a metaphysician, interested in the life of the forms and their surprising modalities. That is why I have no interest in the academic world.

Ads represent the main channel of intellectual and artistic effort in the modern world.

The only way to recover the old world is to induce the media into vomiting it back up.

Ours is a brand-new world of allatonceness [all-at-once-ness]. 'Time' has ceased, 'space' has vanished. We now live in a global village ... a simultaneous happening. ... The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.

The movie, by sheer speeding up of the mechanical, carried us from the world of sequence and connections into the world of creative configurations and structure.

The news automatically becomes the real world for the TV user and is not a substitute for reality, but is itself an immediate reality.

Education in a technological world of replaceable and expendable parts is neuter.

The new media are not ways of relating to us the 'real' world; they are the real world and they reshape what remains of the old world at will.