In no culture ever studied have women repeatedly preferred to mate with pear-shaped, low-status, tepid men possessing high-pitched, nasal voices.

Academia is ruled by a pathological herd mentality. Stick out, and be prepared to get ostracized.

The explanatory power of evolutionary psychology is limitless!

It is an immeasurable tragedy to spend a sizeable portion of one's waking hours doing a job that does not excite you nor infuse you with a sense of purpose.

People have the right to live as equal citizens under the law. They do not have the right to demand that their identities be coddled and celebrated lest they might otherwise get offended.

All religious and cultural values are not equal to one another.

No ideology should ever get a pass simply because it is cloaked in a religious robe.

While I do not have a sweet tooth, I am a fan of the dark chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins.

There is an intellectual snobbery that, regrettably, many academics suffer from. They are proud their paper is only read by a small group of people - makes it very exclusive. Let's get rid of that. If it's truly important, people should be excited about it.

Everyone has the right to practice their religious beliefs in private but expect that people might publicly reject said beliefs.

Secular societies establish tolerance by being equally non-accommodating toward all religious demands within the public sphere.

If one wishes to forgo the protection afforded by secular pluralism, then perhaps Western liberal democracies is not the right place for you to freely exercise your religion.

As members of a social species endowed with large brains, we are natural-born marketers. Capitalism, the economic system that has elevated innumerable people out of abject poverty and misery, is founded on marketing. Everything that defines your daily existence has the indelible marks of marketing on it.

Unlike other animals, all of which are undoubtedly oblivious to their eventual demise, humans are fully aware that their time on Earth is limited. This is a reality that for most individuals is difficult if not impossible to bear.

Atheists do not seek to violently impose their non-belief onto others. They simply reject all gods inherent to the 10,000 religions known to mankind.

I am always on the lookout for new cafes to hang out at.

One's political views and/or religious beliefs should not exist in an impenetrable and inviolable bubble wherein they are protected from criticism or scrutiny.

To be an outspoken professor in academia is a very dangerous proposition.

Reason and science allow us to properly think about the necessary data that are required in order to answer a given question. This is precisely why the scientific method is the most powerful framework for understanding the world.

The Christmas-New Year's holiday season can be a double-edge sword when it comes to one's mental health.

If any syllable that I utter might be interpreted in 13,000 different ways, then the best way for me to never be tarred and feathered is to never open my mouth. So the next time that someone calls on me for an opinion, you know what? I won't say a thing.

Take off your wedding ring prior to swimming!

My attachment to my wedding ring is a powerful symbol of the infinite love that I have for my wife and children.

The contents of an ideology are not sacrosanct simply because they are couched in the cloak of a religion.