In an animated film you can do whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you should do everything you want.

Soon I learned that the worse the puns and jokes, the funnier they could be, if you knew how to deliver them.

Pixar has invented much of computer animation as it's known today, and I've been very lucky to be the first traditional animator to work with computer animation.

I believe God is in the details.

We make the kind of movies we like to watch. I love to laugh. I love to be amazed by how beautiful it is. But I also love to be moved to tears. There's lots of heart in our films.

It's the nature of Hollywood that there are the people in power and the people who tell them what they want them to hear.

My brother liked sewing and sculpting and making things, and my sister sewed and painted and cooked and baked. She's a professional baker now and makes the most gorgeous sculpture-like cakes. She's the queen of wedding cakes in the Lake Tahoe area.

When you can have a character that the audience likes from the beginning, but then you put them in a situation where they grow - I think that gives it a lot of heart.

You know, going to the movies has always been recession-proof. It's fairly cheap entertainment; it's classic escapism.

'Cars 2' is about a character learning to be himself. There's times in our lives where people always say, 'Well, you've gotta act differently. You should always be yourself.' That's the emotional core of the story.

Take any movie with an actor you like. Turn your head and just listen to the performance. In some cases, the physical presence remains as strong when you can't see the actor, when it's just the voice.

I do what I do because of Walt Disney - his films and his theme park and his characters and his joy in entertaining.

I believe in research you cannot do enough research; believability comes out of what's real.

'Finding Nemo' was originally shot in 3D.

I have met a lot of top chefs around the world during my travels. Each one of them has said 'Ratatouille' is their favorite movie and the only movie that truly captures what they do.

At Pixar, we do sequels only when we come up with a great idea, and we always strive to be different than the original.

Of all studios that should be doing 2-D animation, it should be Disney.

The hardest thing to get is true emotion. I always believe you need to earn that with the audience. You can't just tell them, 'Ok, be sad now.'

I'm a car nut. My father was a parts manager at a Chevrolet dealership.

Every young person gets so excited about new software packages and new technology.

I love the work of Hayao Miyazaki. 'My Neighbor Totoro' and 'Castle in the Sky' are two of the great films that he's made that I just love.

Every single Pixar film, at one time or another, has been the worst movie ever put on film. But we know. We trust our process. We don't get scared and say, 'Oh, no, this film isn't working.'

I think that as I had children, I have five sons, and they got into video games and were the prime ages through the development of video games. It was so much fun seeing them play the games and seeing it through their eyes.

The only thing Steve Jobs has ever asked me in all the years we've been together and have been partners, the only thing he has ever asked me is: 'Make it great.'