I am always drawn to things that feel different to what I would experience at home: things that offer a combination of unfamiliarity and a sort of bleak glamour. I think the outback has that.

There's obviously a lot of controversy around the issue of hunting as there is around gambling, and I like these stories where there is a moral dimension, stories that force you to think about your prejudices about a subject and explore the extent to which they are justified.

I both admired my father and his writing, and I saw how much he valued it.

Sometimes you shoot for 40 or 50 hours for a one-hour show, and you have to make some very hard choices.

Prisons and jails, I tend to feel that you're actually safer as a journalist than you might think, certainly more than it appears.

I have been to a few A-list parties, but not massively. It's not my life, but it's fun dipping into it.

I've always slightly harboured a dream of making a film, a documentary feature. Somehow, I just got into a way of working a routine of making TV docs.

It's difficult to describe the weirdness of speaking to a man who appears to be perfectly in control of his faculties, who can deliver off-the-cuff repartee, and yet who is actually utterly disconnected from who he is.

I tell people I live in Harlesden in north-west London, and I can see them thinking, 'Why do you live there?'

In west London where I live, white people are a minority. In the area I am in, which is the borough of Brent, whites are less than 50%.

Some things should remain private.

For publicity purposes, everything gets simplified, and the fact that I wear glasses and am somewhat bookish makes me a geek. That's fine; there needs to be a shorthand, but there are important geek traits that I don't really share.

There is no shame is being ambivalent about almost everything in your life.

I don't feel that as human beings we have an obligation to dislike someone based on their beliefs, and it's OK to have a human reaction to someone even if you feel what they do is hideous and objectionable. You can still enjoy their company and find them interesting to be around.

There is no religion that has a monopoly on bigotry.

Meeting forensic patients for the first time could occasionally be an unnerving experience. They often came across as mild and gentle people, but the details of the crimes were harrowing in the extreme.

One of the things I have always enjoyed about Scientology is their proactive approach to journalists who are covering them.

I don't like watching things where I think the people onscreen are ahead of me or assuming I know something that I don't know.

I am genuinely a bit confused about the world, a little bit bumbling.

When you're in your 40s, you become more conscious of life being of limited duration and that you need to create memories and go on little adventures from time to time.

People say I'm deceptively unassuming, but that's the way I go through life. I'm not flash. You can make it sound calculated, but it's pretty much just me.

Celebrity is quite a fraught word. It is not something I aspire to, but I can certainly see why it could be.

I think he could win, absolutely. I think he could win because there's Trump supporters out there who aren't even revealing themselves as such. For me, that's a scary prospect because I think he'd be a disastrous president.

I never thought I would really like to be on television, and the story of me getting into it was quite lucky, really, just a series of chance encounters. So I am not exactly putting myself across as a celebrity, although people might perceive me that way.