Obviously, 'Fast' has been a big part of my life.

I consider everybody on 'Fast' my family, you know we grew up together.

When I was making the 'Fast and Furious' movies, I wasn't trying to make a 'Fast and Furious' movie.

When you have an opportunity to do something again, the money goes up and people get more conservative.

I grew up, from ages 8 to 18, watching reruns of 'Star Trek' with my dad and my mom when they got home from work.

For me, when I was growing up, everybody I knew was a 'Star Wars' kid.

You want to have pressure and tell stories that you find a real reason to tell, aside from any business reason. If business is your only reason, that always goes badly.

All my friends were 'Star Wars' kids but I didn't go to the movies, so I was the 'Star Trek' kid.

I've sat in so many meetings where they talk about converting movies to 3D just for the China market and just to make more money. I saw that people in China work long, long hours and that it's expensive to go to the movies, and you want to rip them off for even more money? I don't think that's right.

My parents were unconventional for Asian parents.

I'm extremely proud to be part of the 'Fast' franchise, it is an experience I will always treasure.

As soon as I saw 'Chinglish' on Broadway, I began to envision this smart and insightful cross-cultural comedy as a film.

Hollywood should be global.

Growing up, I felt there was nothing my dad couldn't do, but didn't get the chance to do when we moved. I think he latched on to 'Trek' because of the sense of exploration and discovery, and hope. I think that's what he connected to.

All of my definitions of family were heavily influenced by my 'Star Trek' experience.

I loved 'Fast,' but I'm not a car guy.

Definitely the hardest thing is to find time to be grounded with real life, but without it, I don't think I'd be able to continue to grow as a filmmaker.

We came over when I was 8 from Taiwan. That was my life: going to school, working at the restaurant, playing basketball.

I loved basketball and grew up with the Lakers and Magic Johnson. That was a big part of me.

I've always admired Bruce Lee for his trailblazing efforts opening doors for Asians in entertainment and beyond.

The harder we push forward into the unknown the more it intensifies the reflection of humanity. That's what I really love about 'Star Trek.'

Like, action to me is no fun if it's not built around character.

Working with Zhao Wei and Huang Xiaoming, they're not just Chinese stars, they're movie stars.

There's a respect factor in filmmaking, like in sports, where certain things are kept in the locker room.