My father Kamran Khan was a successful producer, director and actor in B-grade films.

My second year of Ryerson, I still lived at my folks' place. I went to the attic to find some prop for a play I was doing. And I found a scrapbook dedicated to my father's years at Ryerson as an actor. He never mentioned it.

I saw 'Othello' with Christopher Plummer and James Earl Jones.

I did a film a couple years ago called 'Who Is Clark Rockefeller?' It was a role that I was really proud of that I wish more people could go back and rediscover.

It's a different world now. Guest-starring on a TV show is not some indication that things aren't going right anymore.

I loved working with Cary Elwes, who is in 'The Princess Bride', one of my favorite films. He's a great guy.

I have to challenge the audience.

Monk's gone, and House is gone. Maybe I can pick up where they left off.

I feel like 'Travelers' is something I can legitimately say, 'You're going to love this.' I think then people will accept me as a different thing. And if they don't, it's fun trying.

Because I had three years on 'Perception,' I think I succeeded in showing I can do other things, and I can create a different audience, even from people who loved 'Will & Grace.'

Shelter dogs should be adopted into loving homes, not used in cruel experiments. That's why I support the Cruelty Free International global dog campaign.

I think it's about finding the character you want to play and the people you want to work with.

You're damned in success a little bit.

It's hard in this business to get the opportunities to show off range.

I would come home with my friend Bill, and we would sit and watch 'Get Smart.' And I was Agent 44, and he was Agent 85. And it was a fantastic - and all we wanted to do was sleep with Barbara Feldon.

If you can last long enough, in success, you have to get really creative and come up with new stuff.

I do love the stage, and that is incredibly rewarding.

I knew I wanted to be an actor in first grade.

I'm still mad at Josh Charles for dying on 'The Good Wife.'

I could probably eat sushi every day.

My first job was at Baskin-Robbins. I made store manager at 16.

I understudied Colm Feore quite a bit in '85 and '86 - 'Persephone' and 'The Boys from Syracuse,' too - and that was great, great training for me. He was and he is an amazing theatre actor.

I always kind of dreamed locally - I never really ever dream that I would be south of the border; I dreamed about being a theatre star in Toronto, and maybe I'd do Stratford and regional stuff. I always thought it would be a slow growth.

It's very, very hard to create something that is big these days because you have niche markets - and, you don't necessarily need to be big; the show is specifically created for a small group of people. You know, if it's on the USA network, well, then a small group of people is fine.