My favorite film of all time is 'Raising Arizona.' I watched it again as soon as it was over. I had it on VHS, rented it, and I watched it and said, 'I want to watch that again, right now.' I think I did the same with something like 'Goodfellas,' which is a completely different genre.

Tony Scott, Walter Hill, Michael Mann - I'm a big action fan, full stop. And even though Michael Mann is the more celebrated film-maker than Tony Scott, I love them both in different ways.

I'm a big believer in keeping the stage directions really tight.

Maybe directors who are more interested in realism and naturalism come from cities, where they see things on their doorstep every day. But growing up as a kid in a very pretty but ever-so-slightly boring town, where not a great deal happened, encouraged me to be more escapist, more imaginative, and more of a daydreamer.

I think you write the film that you want to see, and you try and do it honestly, and you can't control people's responses, really.

If you go back to your home town or you're reunited with school friends, its always slightly bittersweet because as much as there's nice things in terms of seeing them again, the town has changed without you, and you're no longer a part of it.

There are plenty of movies that you need to chew on a bit. Movies that you return to and see something different in the second time around.

'Don't Look Now' is a masterpiece. I think it's the best-edited movie of all time. I adore it.

I think it's good to have pressure on yourself. The worst crime is to get kind of really complacent.

I used to stay up all night playing 'Resident Evil 2,' and it wouldn't stop until the sun came up. Then I'd walk outside at dawn's first light, looking at the empty streets of London, and it was like life imitating art. It felt like I'd stepped into an actual zombie apocalypse.

I have never imagined that I would get married and that I would become a father.

Every single person in this world is a minority in one way or another. It just depends on how you slice the pie.

My mom was paralyzed from polio at the age of 2, abandoned by her husband, left with a 2-year-old, a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old, and so, we were raising her as much as she was raising us.

You can't keep treating people differently under the law because of their differences. That's not America. I dare say that's not even a good conservative value. We're all supposed to have an equal shot.

That's what I learned most about directing on my own - you've got to build a family, a filmmaking family.

I never wanted to be a writer initially. It was not my thing, but I was an avid reader.

I'm industrious. Ambitious. I'm like the gay Mitt Romney... That's a terrible thing to say.

It's 'When We Rise,' not 'When Gay People Rise.' It's about how everyone benefits when we lift up any one group in this country.

For Coca-Cola to take a pro-diversity, pro-equality stance creates a lot of goodwill in the LGBT community.

I'm drawn to making films that in some way move the social conversation.

Being right is overrated! If someone is saying that they're right about the future, that's a claim only a fool would make.

I think people in the U.K. best know me as the guy who will take their picture when they run into Tom Daley. But I'm also his husband and the dad to our child.

Gay and lesbian people want to love and be loved. Some of us want to get married. Some want to have and build families. We want our kids to have their lives be a little bit better than what we've had.

You're either Mormon or Southern Baptist in my family. They're incredibly conservative and I love my family.