We're often accused of trying to manipulate opinion or that we're trying to elevate society. I think that the greatest thing we can do is to give you a vacation.

We all want our children to be terrific, but you can't force a child into being what you want it to be.

Usually when you're doing a season one, you're trying to find the show.

The budget on cable television is dramatically less than network television.

I think there's a lot of factors that go into the whole awards thing. I've never been that big a fan of it.

'Librarians' is surprisingly touching in a lot of ways where it's not expected.

I like to get emotional when I watch my entertainment.

The great thing about adventure, when told correctly, is it is one of the few genres that everybody in the family can watch together.

There's a lot of superhero stuff out there and a lot of cop stuff out there. What we have very little of anymore is adventure.

I love what they do with 'Doctor Who,' where they have the series, and then they do a big Christmas movie special.

We're so specialized now in our entertainment. It's nice to do a show where you're really circling back to this idea of, 'Couldn't there be a show the whole family can watch together?'

We've always had a simple philosophy in casting. We don't care if somebody's a big star or a little star. We just want the best possible actor for the part.

It's fun to watch a show that you can watch with any member of your family, and you're going to laugh, and you're going to be moved, and you're going to have fun, rather than this dark, brooding, cold, 'purely procedural show.'

In Portland, there are so many trained artists and technicians, there's an enormous talent base. And it's not like second-stringers.

'Stargate' was more a fantasy.

In the '80s, all the movies became predictable.

In the '70s, you didn't know who was going to survive in a disaster film.

I think when real life interrupts fantasy, it's always shocking.

The days of family entertainment seem to have left us.

We used to call them the storm of the century but now we're seeing what happens if we don't act fast enough - and real human beings are suffering because of that.

I don't think these weather conditions are going to get better on their own.

We make movies that crack us up and hope that they crack up other people, too.

Most young American actors feel like teenagers.

Portland is a two-hour flight from L.A. It has wonderful talent, and it hasn't been shot to death. I'm all in favor of it becoming a serious player in the industry.