A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.

That's the trouble with directors. Always biting the hand that lays the golden egg.

I seriously object to seeing on the screen what belongs in the bedroom.

Every director bites the hand that lays the golden egg.

Pictures are for entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union.

God makes stars. I just produce them.

A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.

My new movie, Fools Rush In, is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm, very sweet.

My new movie, Fools Rush In, is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm, very sweet.

Hollywood has definitely grown, in embracing the inclusion of Latinos in the world, because, for some time, we didn't exist. We were not part of any stories.

A theatre is the most important sort of house in the world, because that's where people are shown what they could be if they wanted, and what they'd like to be if they dared to and what they really are

I really wanna get my paws on scoring a film.

It's cold out there, colder than a ticket taker's smile at the Ivar Theatre on a Saturday night.

The thing about film-making is I give it everything, that's why I work so hard. I always tell young actors to take charge. It's not that hard. Sign your own cheques, be responsible.

When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things.

When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things.

Making a movie is like a chess game. It's about constantly changing patterns, adapting to new things. It's not just black and white, as you know.

Whether it's making a film or raising my children, personally I'm striving to do the right things and to learn.

Whether it's making a film or raising my children, personally I'm striving to do the right things and to learn.

Acting in film, you know, I hear all the time, people say 'You did so much better than I thought you would.' So there's an added element of surprise in film, different than in music.

Producing a film is more unfamiliar territory. Although producing an album and overseeing artists is a task within itself. But film is unfamiliar territory so, here and now, that's more difficult.

Movies and acting are so much fun. I love playing different characters and doing different genres. It's all still very interesting to me.

I wish I'd done 'Dumb and Dumber.' I was offered the part, but I don't think I'd have been better than Jeff Daniels was. Another film I wish I'd done was 'Jerry Maguire.'

I've been in so many good movies that I felt like nobody saw; it's a pretty dreadful feeling.