There's another game that Capcom, who make 'Resident Evil,' have created called 'Monster Hunter,' which is these amazing, amazing creatures in these fantastical realms, I'm very excited about that.

I'm staying in my wheelhouse, not making any romantic comedies in a hurry.

A pleased audience member is a pleased audience member, whether they're in New York or Mumbai.

'Pompeii' will be PG-13. I think it has to have a level of violence and death in it because you've got a volcano exploding. But it will be another PG-13 movie.

Pompeii is taught at schools in England, and, for a young boy, the combination of the Roman Empire and a volcano was irresistible.

Apocalyptic movies tend to thrive when people are concerned about the state of the world.

If you're going to make a horror movie, it doesn't get any better than 'Alien,' and if you're going to make an action movie, it really doesn't get any better than 'Aliens.'

If you're going to ask people to pay a premium price, you have to deliver a premium product. Not enough 3D movies have delivered on that promise. People got tired of it, and that's why they started to turn their back on 3D.

I think 'Lost' didn't invent the flashback, obviously. It's been a cinematic tool. It's been around almost as long as cinema has.

I think one of the joys of disaster movies is not knowing who's going to live and who's going to die.

I'm a big gamer.

TV is really hard to break into. This may be the worst piece of advice, but make an independent film. TV oftentimes takes people who are established. The great benefit of not breaking in yet is purity of voice.

I'm as interested in exceptional characters as men are.

If you want more diversity in the industry, you need diverse people writing scripts and developing them.

There was a movie I was trying to make right after 'Monster,' a bigger behemoth: the Chuck Yeager story. It was a life dream, but it just didn't line up. We just had issues with the life rights, ultimately.

I have a high bar for myself already; I always want to do something beautiful and meaningful.

The thing about 'Wonder Woman,' which is very feminine and definitely different, is that her objective is to bring love and truth to mankind.

I love that duality of Wonder Woman: that she both wants peace and means peace, but when push comes to shove and someone needs to be put down like a dog, that's what she would be willing to do.

I have passed on a lot of things that would have been extremely lucrative, because they were nothing else.

I did not necessarily feel that Hollywood was interested in what I wanted to do. They wanted me to do what they wanted to do.

Ultimately, so many things come down to money, but particularly when it comes to superheroes - people really thought that only men loved action movies and only men would go see a superhero movie.

I think that what Wonder Woman stands for is gorgeous and incredible.

I believe in Wonder Woman and the true spirit of Wonder Woman, and I wanted to tell that story. I didn't want to make her an alt version of Wonder Woman.

I don't love all superhero films, but I love a great one.