People are usually scared of me because of the arrogant character I play. They stare at me with fear that I might just scold them and often run away from me.

My conscience won't allow me to do films I thought were bad but were going to make money.

A lot of amazing films are happening, a lot amazing TV shows are happening, and people are not afraid to pick actors instead of stars.

I don't want to miss out on the good stuff. As long as the character is good and the show is good, the medium does not matter to me. There are a few makers that I have an enormous trust in and that I know will do an amazing job.

I am an emotional person.

Limited series ensure that we maintain the quality of the writing on the sets.

If a writer is good at what he does, it's not easy to do a good job every day... To invent something new is almost an impossible task.

My take is that every character requires a different character to be cast.

My fans love me because I'm one of them.

I find it so weird when the media calls me 'small screen super star.' I don't think I'm one!

I believe that being honest to oneself and one's work is all that matters.

I think it is important not to scream from the rooftops to make yourself heard, I want my work to do the talking for me.

I have been blessed with good genes, and that's why, irrespective of how much I eat, I still retain my lean look.

I have played both serious as well as lighter characters, also, and have been satisfied with both types.

I'm an actor, and it is not for me but for the writer to offer the best role to me. For me, essaying that role to the best of my ability is more important.

I believe that everyone has a right to have an opinion about things or people, and fortunately, I have been lucky to have heard usually good things about myself. However, I must admit that people can be quite critical about your role also.

I am very far away from being angry. I really don't get angry most of the time. I am a patient person.

I am not easy to break through to. There is a protective shield that I have built psychologically. I am not open to everyone as I have been to ones those who have broken through me. But once you break through, I will love anything that you do.

People approach you for the work they have seen you do. I don't think people see me as a lover boy dancing around, so I haven't received a role of that kind. I'm going to do roles that appeal to me.

While you can be trained and groomed to be a better actor, seasoning happens only to TV actors. TV actors shoot every day, and that makes a difference to the project. They are hard-working, but that's not taking anything away from the film actors.

I am pretty happy with myself. I am not saying I am flawless, but I am content with the way I am.

The transition from TV to films wasn't overwhelming, since an actor's ultimate job is to act.

I think everyone is making a lot of money, whether it is the actors, the producers, or the TV channels.

I loved the Yashraj shows 'Powder' and ''