I had people sleeping in front of my home. I couldn't go anywhere. It confronted me from the moment I woke up. There would be 100 people at the lot where we shot 'The Partridge Family.'

It is difficult to be famous and that successful where you can't even walk down the street without people chasing you, and having people build monuments to you and worshiping you - all that stuff - but I never took that to a place where I believed it. I saw it as being temporary and a phase.

I've done an enormous amount of bringing light into people's lives, and I'm very proud of that and touching and inspiring people.

I'm a really good team player. That's what it takes to work in the theater. That's what it takes to work in a band with musicians and writers.

For me to go back and to play for audiences some of whom have been following me for thirty years and some who have found me in the last five or six years, that's really an interesting thing. I have an audience that goes from kids to seventy year olds.

All I had done for five years was work 18 hours a day all over the world. I needed to step back and distance myself from it.

As a father, I do everything my dad didn't do. My son Beau's birth changed my life.

It was amazing for me growing up in the musical decade of the '60s. I saw The Beatles on television and went out and bought an electric guitar.

I saw Jimi Hendrix - it must have been four times. And he was incomparable, and his legend lives on.

I've had a passion for horses since I was very young - I used to sit on the floor in front of the races on television and pretend to be a jockey - and I first began reading the racing form on the set of 'The Partridge Family.'

I wouldn't want to play anything bigger than 10,000 again. I think it's too much, and you lose touch.

Learning how to be a good parent was easy in the end because I'd basically had the What Not To Do manual.

Let me tell you, 10,000 is an intimate room. Believe me. I want to be able to connect to everybody in the room, and you can't with a venue any bigger than that.

In a very short period of time, actors can become kind of relevant and hot.

I don't listen to the news or read newspapers. I don't know what's going on in this world, or why I should vote for George McGovern or Richard Nixon. I don't have enough time.

I wasn't ever a bad guy, and I was never arrested or anything like that, but I was a wild boy in many respects.

In California, of all places, entertainment is the key to a vibrant economy. If we do not develop young adults capable of entering that world, the financial base of this state is sure to suffer and impact all of us.

All that stuff - 'teen idol' - that wasn't me.

When you have had the kind of fame I had, I was always hounded by the media and I lived a very isolated life. Now it's even more difficult. The world has changed dramatically.

I've always had a love for horses since I was really young. When I was 5 years old, the only thing that made me happy was when they'd take me out and give me pony rides.

I read in one fan magazine that I was very self-centered. And I am.

In the '80s, it was difficult and frustrating to appear in the theater and TV again, even though I had some successful shows and hit records. Now, I have to say, the '90s are the best decade of my life. I've done the best work and, in a funny way, I'm enjoying the most success... more than in the '70s.

I don't want to end up being some joke on a bad TV series.

I bought my first horse when I was 15. I always loved racing and I started studying about breeding and I've been doing it now for 30 years, so I have some credibility.