I do films because there is an audience out there. It doesn't matter if they're Indian, American, or European.

Though I have achieved a little bit in my career, I have to continue working hard.

When I was really young, I was obsessed with Bollywood. Then I got exposed to world cinema, and I wanted to be a part of it. Then I was exposed to theatre, and I only wanted to do theatre.

If you are an industry kid, the first film is given to you on a platter. However, the pressure and expectations are immense.

I feel that discrimination and hierarchy is something that people have to face constantly.

Wear what feels nice to you, not to impress.

I would like to be part of sensible cinema, irrespective of whether it is a commercial or niche film, but it doesn't always pan out like that.

I'm game for any kind of roles as long as I find it interesting.

For an actor, it is necessary to vegetate and look for inspiration. I get that from travelling, meeting people, and observing things around me. I bring back my energy by gaining different experiences.

Initially, I did South Indian films because I needed the money; I had a huge student loan that I had to pay off. But I do feel that Marathi, English, and Hindi are what I'm more comfortable with.

I usually take up short films when I am not tied up with feature films. Short films are easier to work on... because it doesn't take much of your time. The number of shoot days are lesser as compared to feature films.

Yes, I will sign a film for the money. Because sometimes you don't have the money to eat, and you have to get work and maintain a lifestyle. Not just actors - I think everybody does that. No job on this planet is about 100 per cent satisfaction. You do some part of the job for money.

Look after all those lovely peculiarities in your face, your body, and yourself.

I do believe that laughter is the best medicine - it cures everything.

I don't do much for skin. Just drink water, try to get proper sleep, exercise, sweat it out, keep it moisturised, and most importantly, clean. That's basically what I do.

It is difficult to constantly make courageous choices.

Playing characters I don't relate to are a big challenge for me.

I did quite a lot of research for 'Phobia' because it's a very sensitive topic, so I couldn't have just faked it.

I love to cook and read books.

I do get a lot of offers for endorsing a brand, but for me, the credibility of the brand matters the most.

Bollywood is a business more than an art industry. One has to play the game others play to carve your own path.

I don't follow norms in my life. They don't make sense to me. I do whatever I feel or what makes me happy and feels right.

I did 'Padman' not only because of its social message. I did it because it was a good story.

All I can say is that, as an industry, we are trying to come together and find a way of constructively making a system where we all have a safe environment, and it's going on. I am part of that, and I hope that we come up with a constructive system which is equal and genderless for every human being.