We had very few things. I had a couple pairs of jeans, a couple shirts. And same with my mom and sister. I think my sister had, like, two toys. We were living off of instant noodles.

I feel very much aware of my mortality. I'm here, and then I'm not. It's the same thing with everything else: the movie comes out, and then it's gone. Everything is changing all the time, and I'm not going to stress out and spend my entire time chasing something that ultimately doesn't exist.

I think seeing the love between a mother and child is something we can all really relate to. You can remember it from your own childhood perspective.

I just don't understand why more actors aren't artists.

I'm extremely interested in art, every form of art, but I'm interested in it when it's good and interested in it when it's interesting.

Even the news, to me, or newspapers, I have a hard time getting into it because it all sucks you into this negative, bad, there-is-no-hope side of it.

I don't live in Los Angeles. I work in Los Angeles, and even that - I audition in Los Angeles; I very rarely film in Los Angeles. I don't hang out with producers on my off-hours, so I don't even know what that world is like.

My dream was always to have a stamp. I feel like people who have a stamp really did something. They really did some acts of service.

When I'm sitting in bed watching 'Chopped' - that Brie I know. But I don't know the Brie in sky-high heels on a carpet with a bunch of people screaming at me. I wonder what she's like.

I love discussing social issues, but I'm not interested in scare tactics. I believe there is a way to bring awareness in tandem with forgiveness and love.

'Basmati Blues' deals with a great social issue, GMOs, but it's told through love and song and dance.

The only way I can feel comfortable being an actor is if I can find stories that I believe are important to be shared.

I guess I was always an outsider and some kind of anarchist.

The point to have a child is to introduce them to this planet that is in some ways dying and hopefully, this new generation, these new untainted brains, will be the people to fix some of these things that this generation can't.

I used to dislike it, but now I like it more and more, feeling small. I like feeling like a little speck.

I'm just trying to enjoy the fact that I have gained some respect from some people whom I respect.

Women are such strong, powerful leaders, and a lot of the time, we play it silent.

Through film, I realized that was a safe place for me to play. It was a safe place for me to express myself and explore these things that I was afraid to explore in my real life.

I always felt like reality was a bizarre place, and everybody was really good at being normal, and I didn't know how to do it.

I love to cook, and I've just gotten more and more into it over the years, just because it's the best way to stay creative.

I want to get better and better at my craft.

I look at something like 'Short Term 12,' and that character has a lot of pain, and I wouldn't have known how to portray that if I hadn't experienced pain myself.

I believe in what movies say, and I'm not an actor because I want things to be about me. I have no interest - if there was any way for my face to not be in a movie and still be an actor, I would do it.

Acting isn't like being an athlete. There's no real quantifiable measure. It's just a bunch of people feeling things.