I'm friends with all my exes, as they were all friends.

I am a modern day girl, and of course I have dated many guys.

I'm very content with my work, and I never complain.

I am a shopaholic, like to wear make-up, and believe in vanity.

Don't be lazy; workout and diet is the only way to get fit.

If you don't want to hit the gym, go cycling or skipping.

I believe a good chicken breast, if made well, is the best thing ever.

I don't have a problem with being overweight. That's fine. But there's a thin line between being unhealthy and overweight.

Acting, for me, is a process of metamorphosis. It's about forgetting who I am and becoming someone entirely new.

Post-workout, I eat a protein-rich snack, like egg whites or chana, chicken, fish with some greens.

Hummus has been my saviour. I've used it in every form: on sandwiches, rotis, with veggies and meat.

When I was overweight, my back hurt, and my ankles would swell up. It wasn't the weight itself but the problems it brought along that bothered me.

Yes, I am a very greedy actor. I love acting, and I want to do all kinds of roles.

I get very excited when I get a chance to work with actors who are as passionate as I am.

I'm not skinny, and I like that.

I think people want to watch me in films, and that's why filmmakers want to work with me and tell stories.

I love being an actor so much because, as a person, I would be conscious about pimples and weight because I love vanity, and I own up to it. I have been like that since I was a child, but where my characters are concerned, they are such confident women that I love celebrating my flaws on screen.

I feel, as an actor, you should be in a position to mould yourself into different characters and should have the ability to change.

I have been fortunate to be around people that don't believe in misogyny at the workplace or in my family. But of course, it does exist.

As a girl, the thought of gaining weight wasn't easy, but when I thought as an actor, I was very sure. That gave me the confidence, and I started training myself to gain weight, and then, as planned, I lost weight.

Actors don't make a project; a project makes the actors.

I have had a very comfortable and beautiful life.

I think an actor without life experiences is empty.

I was 12 when I decided that I wanted to see myself on the big screen.