I want to pick good projects, I want to work with great directors and try not to put too much pressure on myself and just read things for the story and recognize when I'm drawn to something for the right reasons and try to maintain some sanity. Sanity would be good. I'd like to have a little sanity!

I think a lot of people are with the one they're meant to be with. I see it watching my parents because they've been together for so long and are still very much in love. I'm just sort of in awe of that.

New York is so full of the best unemployed actors on the planet.

Radha Krishna Sir, the director of 'Jil,' had seen 'Madras Cafe' and liked my acting in it. He wanted a performer and so got me on board.

I would like to do a Tamil film.

It's good to work with a writer-director.

I will try to bring variety in my roles.

I feel eating healthy is more important than working out in the gym.

I avoid junk food and love vegetables, salads, and fruits.

Sometimes, I do zumba and a lot of yoga.

If you prove yourself as an actor, you will land good roles.

It's not right to say that only girls get emotional while watching a movie. I have seen so many men connecting with a movie so much that they get emotional.

I do try to look at scripts and keep an eye out for challenging roles.

Everyone has their own journey. I am very grateful for where I am.

I won't be satisfied with only commercial roles.

My Hyderabad home is an extension to my family's Delhi residence.

I am a complete sucker for family time.

There is nothing like getting a performance-oriented role.

I didn't overcome my shyness. I am still shy.

Initially, when you start working out, it takes at least six months for the results to show.

I have always taken it very easy, believed in myself. Whatever I bring to the table, I put my heart and soul into it.

I experiment, but I am extremely mindful of the things I wear. The key is to accept your body type and pick cuts and styles that flatter your frame.

Doing comedy is very challenging, as I am a shy person in real life.

I don't want people to define me. That's the best way for an actor to grow.