We were in the Arabian Desert for nine months. And I was having the time of my life. It could have been an archeological expedition, a military expedition.

There is a legend. And to protest is daft.

My own favorite is something called Rogue Male.

If I'm not at my study by 10:00, 10:30, forget it, I can't write a word.

I'm a working stiff, baby, just like everybody else.

I tell my children to avoid theatre and go into cinema and TV.

I love working with young people which to me is a big kick.

A rubber neck is a necessary part of equipment.

When I work with young people, I grab energy from them by the handsful.

My father was a racetrack bookie.

All the minor sports injuries you acquire over the years begin to multiply like flies when you get over 70.

The common denominator of all my friends is that they're dead.

I take whatever good part comes along.

No one should ever know where conduct ends and acting begins. Conduct unbecoming. That's what acting is.

I've played farce on the stage, but I have never played any sort of comedy on the screen.

I suggest that an education and reading and facts aren't bad things on which to ponder a few notions.

I can make the best French toast.

A few years back I was asked if I would go and meet a director and his various acolytes, and it occurred to me halfway through the meeting that what I was doing was auditioning. And I thought, 'Well, hang on buddy. I've done half a century of this.'

The only thing I've ever been interested in teaching anyone in life is cricket.

I'm Irish. That means I'm Catholic. But, truth is, now I'm a retired Christian.

An Oscar is a symbol that is known in every corner of the world.

In my day England, Scotland, Wales had 80 drama schools. There are none left. So there's no training, no discipline.

It's a razor's edge, a romance with an old man and a young woman.

I put steam on the table by being an actor. That is how I live. The longer I live, the more expensive it becomes. So I do my work. And I can't be immensely picky. How many beautiful scripts come in one's lifetime? I have had more than anybody, practically.